Strawberryfields Jackie O Strawberryfields Julia of Sherwood Forest | U-CH. Comstock's Golden-B-Bear Oh So Strong (OFA GR-EL55414M25C-VPI) Comstock On My Honor CGC CCA | U-Ch. FoxRun Out Of The Ballpark RN JH CCA BISS CGC (OFA GR-EL21602M24-VPI) Foxrun's U Quack Me Up CDX, RE (OFA GR-EL26127F35-VPI) GDBIS, AmCH, U-CH FoxRun's Simply Irresist-A-Ball CD RN JH TKN WC VC CGC, HIT (OFA GR-EL24720F41-VPI) | BISS CH Woodwind's Sweet'n The Pot RE RL2 CL1 CGC OS (OFA GR-EL8170M26-VPI) Woodwinds Emmy Woodwind's Kelly Woodwind's Clancy Woodwind's Maggie Mae Woodwind's Old Glory Bet on Red CCA (OFA GR EL8887F31-PI) Woodwind's Bird In The Hand UD, NA, NAJ, WC, CGC, CCA (OFA GR-EL7823F24-PI) Woodwind's Poccata In B | U-Ch. Foxrun's She'Ll B A Classic RN, CGC (OFA GR-EL13724F24-VPI) FoxRun Comstock Classic CGC CCA (OFA GR-EL14947M29-PI) AKC, UKC, NAKC Int'l Ch. Foxrun's Classic Lotto RN, NAP, NJP, CL1R, CL1F, CGC (OFA GR-EL13722M24-PI) |
| Comstock?s Gold Charm (OFA GR-EL45641F24-PI) | |
| Strawberryfields Gratitude Cheerfullness Wisdom (OFA GR-EL43899F24-VPI) GCH Strawberryfields 5 Time SB Winning Grateful (OFA GR-EL45740M30-VPI) Strawberryfields Thankful for the Finer Things | |