
Golden Retriever

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Ozarks Comforter Sully THDN CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ozarks Comforter Sully THDN CGC
Ranger's Sweet Boy Chase
Koda Apollo
Harrisons My Sweet Stella Artois
Terry's Majestic Admiral Jock
West Dakota's Lil Ranger
Brinkley Carmichael
Ozarkfarm Ellie
Pani Zloty Rock And Rill Aporter
Bailey Cinnamon
Glencroft Thorn
Champp Starkweather
Mama's Brenna Bear
Mama's Shae Baby Girl
Glencroft Isa
West Dakota's Sweet Charli
Crystal Coast Life's A Beach
GCH CH Hytree Top Gun SDHF
Hytree's She's All That
Hytree Allsea's Fame and Glory
CH Hytree Who Do U Think U R
CH Hytree's Back 2 The Future BISS
Can CH Hytree Without Further Ado
BISS CH Confetti Hytree Do-B-Do
Ozarka Southern Breeze CGC
Ozarka Bailey So Sweet CGC
Raven Of Grand Legacy Acres
Sadie Of Grand Legacy Acres
Miri Of Grand Legacy Acres
Miller's Hank
Kickin Kountry Shooter
Raberg Majestic Maya
Missy's Lei La Love
Sebastian The Noble
Silvermine Atticus Mockingbird Love
Yang's Rex
Silvermine Sir Joseph Walter
Silvermine Dunkin
Silvermine Prince Son of Zues
Roweton's Mystical Snow
Crystal Wilkins
Lizzie Wilkins
Princess Wilkins
Crowley's Brooke
Sadie Myfairlady Fallin
Sir Maxwell Of Homeplace
Graber's Cami
Woodland's Miss Rosie
Woodland's Miss Sandy

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