
Golden Retriever

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Chloe Agarios

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Chloe Agarios
Christine Agarios
Elvis Agarios
Elly Agarios
Esmeralda Agarios
Euridike Agarios
Chantall Agarios
Charlotte Agarios
Edith Agarios
Enrique Agarios
Chap Agarios
Etien Agarios
Chewie Agarios
Charlie Agarios
CH PL, CH RO, JCH CZ New Skyline Famous Gold (0/1)
New Heart Famous Gold (A (0/0))
New Smphony Famous Gold (B (1/1))
JCH.CRO. CH.SLO. New Glamour Shine Famous Gold JCW.RS.'19 (FCI A)
New Thunderball Famous Gold (0/0)
New F?k Famous Gold (0/0)
New York Famous Gold (FCI 2/2 (C))
Sequins Shankill (A)
Sequins Sinope (FCI A)
German Club Ch., German VDH Ch. Rosegrove Let It Be Me Bundesjugendsieger2012 (BVA 5-3 ( FCI - A2))
Rosegrove Lord of the Dance
Rosegrove Love To Dream
Rosegrove Live Your Dream (BVA 4/4 = 8)
Rosegrove Lucky Strike
Rosegrove Limited Edition
Rosegrove Solitaire (B.V.A Hip Score 3/4)
Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres (FCI HD A)
Swiss Ch, Int Ch, C.I.B. Mitchell of the Hellacious Acres (FCI AA)
Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres (A/A)
Morisson of the Hellacious Acres
Kind of Magic Famous Gold (A (0/0))
SE U(U)CH Goldfashion Diesel (A)
C.I.B, C.I.E., Multi Jch.,Multi Ch., Grandch.CZ, SK Flying Heart Famous Gold (A)
CH CZ Flying dog Famous Gold (0/1)
Flying F?k Famous Gold (FCI A/B)
Cynthia Sun Agarios (HD A/A (DKK 0/0))
Clarissa Sun Agarios (HD A/A (DKK 0/0))
Claudia Sun Agarios
Carlos Diamond Agarios
Caesar Diamond Agarios
Caramella Sun Agarios (HD A/A (DKK 0/0))
Akim z Maletick?ch luk (A/B)
Arina z Maletick?ch luk (A/A)
Airin z Maletickych luk ''U'' (A/A)
Arnika z Maletick?ch luk (A/A)
Bellika z Maletick?ch luk
Blanche z Maletickych luk
Trialer, Int, Int Sh, Bel, Ger, VDH CH Rayleas My Guy (BVA 4-4 A2)
Rayleas Mirabelle
Arl?ne from Brown Muddy Pool (1/0 (HD: B/A))
CZ FTCh Armani from Brown Muddy Pool U (0/1 (HD: A/B))
Ares from Brown Muddy Pool (0/0)
Alysha Sweet Albipolis (DKK 0/0 (HD A))
Aretha Sweet Albipolis (0/0 = (A/A))
CH PL Alma Sweet Albipolis
Agatha Sweet Albipolis ''U'' (FCI 0/0 A)
Anabella Sweet Albipolis
Int.Sh.Ch,Dt.Vdh.Ch, Swe.Ch, Lux & Dt.VDH JCH, Ashbury Deep Impact Liepzig VDH Sieger,Brandenburg Jugendsieger 2009 (A (2009.06.23) - Nederland)
Ashbury Devoted Twinckle (BVA 7:5)
Ashbury Deep Purple (BVA 4:3 (FCI:A))
Ashbury Cassiopea (A/A)
INT CH, WW-10 Ashbury Conan Doyle (Selectif A) (A1)
EST & LV & LTU & PL JCH, BALT JCH Ashbury Call Me Luis (A/A (2008))
Ashbury Dancing Queen
CIB.CIE. SK-H-GrdCh. SK-H-Srb.Ch. SK-H.JCh. Ashbury Deep In My Heart (World Junior Clubwinner 2009) (A/A)
Esmeralda Misantos (FCI A/A)
Element Brenda Misantos ''U'' (FCI 0/0 -. A)

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