
Golden Retriever

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Trilogy's Second Wind TKI CGCA NW2 L2C L2I RI

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Trilogy's Second Wind TKI CGCA NW2 L2C L2I RI
Trilogy's It's A Wonderful Life
Ch Krishna 'N Malagold Just The Ticket At Sunbeam
Malagold's Feeling Good
MBISS GCH Toasty's Massimo
Toasty's Roman Holiday
CH Toasty's Maestro
Toasty's Anisette CGC THDN BCAT
CH Toasty's Above The Clouds
BIS Am GCH CH Happy Hour Highmark Toasty OS SDHF (14.5 years)
Happy Hour Highmark Now U See Me (0.5 years)
CH Toasty's Missy Franklin
Toasty Jazzin In The Sand For Olympic Gold RN JH DJ WC CGC CCA OD (12.5 years)
Toasty's Maybelline
Krishna's Hot Topic At Malagold
Int. Nat CH Linirgor Macallan UD SH AXP AJP WC CCA VCX (13 years)
Linirgor OO Seven
Ch Linirgor Mimi JW
Linirgor Mackenzie
Linirgor Mr Mystery
Linirgor Macduff
UK Sh Ch Linirgor Mactavish
Linirgor MacAlpine ShCM, 1 RCC (14 years)
Linirgor Miss Behaving
Linirgor Miss Chief
Linigor Over The Moon At Kingsfleet
Linirgor Oops I Did It Again at Millanza 2 CC, 1 RCC
CanGCH BISS, BPIG Linirgor Must Be Luv 2RCC (8.5 years)
Krishna Ruffles Have Ridges CCA, OD
Trilogy's I Love A Parade
GCHB CH Trilogy's Hot To Trot CGC
BISS BIS GCHP Sandpiper's Let Freedom Ring SDHF OS (7 years)
CH Sandpiper's Yankee Doodle Dandy
MBISS GCHS Sandpiper's Pursuit Of Happiness SDHF, OS, BISS (9.5 years)
BISS RBIS GCH PACH Sandpiper's Pop Sizzle Fizzz RN BN MXP MJP PAX SDHF PADHF BISS (11.5 years)
CH Sandpiper's Bright Stripes N Bright Stars WC
CH Sandpiper's Song of Freedom RN (13 years)
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS (12 years)
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show
BISS CH Avalor Sandpiper Tickled Pink OD SDHF (14 years)
Avalors Teal Or No Deal
Avalor's Pink Floyd
CH Avalor's Gold Digger
Avalors Silver Lining
GCH CH Miraleste-Kate's Gibson's Dream Girl of Trilogy CGC TDI
Miraleste Kate's Amazing Linzie RM CD AJP AXP CCA CGCA NWELT1 TKI CTL2R CTL3F CTL3H CTL2S (13 years)
Miraleste-Kate's Gibson Girl
Am CH. Birnam Wood's Hoot Gibson OS SDHF Multi BIS & BISS (10.5 years)
CH Kate's Sweet Dreams Of Miraleste
Am. CH Kate's Iz A Dreamkeeper OD

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