
Golden Retriever

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Camelot House Hey Siri, What's Fuzzy and Blue?

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Camelot House Hey Siri, What's Fuzzy and Blue? (AKC SS30452608)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Sing Louder CGC TKN FITG BCAT THD (AKC SS304526012)
Camelot House Hey Siri, What Kind of Bear is Best (AKC SS30452601)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Buy Me Some Weller (AKC SS30452602)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Play ''Top Gun'' (AKC SS30452603)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Tell Me a Cute Name (AKC SS30452604)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Who Leads MI6 (AKC SS30452605)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Sullivan T. Nichols (AKC SS30452606)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Play the Coda (AKC SS30452607)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Who's a Pretty Girl CGC (AKC SS30452609)
Camelot House Hey Siri, Who's The Cutest Puppy? (AKC SS304526010)
BVISS MBISS GCHG CH Goldruls It's All Greek To Me CD JH CCA VC SDHF OS (AKC SR75141103)
Goldruls Greek Chorus CCA (AKC SR75141102)
Goldruls Kiss Me I'm Greek (AKC SR75141101)
Goldruls Greek Goddess (AKC SR75141104)
Goldruls Greek Baron Rocco Von Jammin (AKC SR75141106)
Goldruls Greek Philosopher (AKC SR75141105)
Am CH Laurell's Goin' Great Guns OS SDHF (AKC SG055818)
Laurell's Family Ties (AKC SM905209/01)
Laurell's Current Affair (AKC SM905209/05)
Laurell's All In The Family (AKC SM905209/06)
Laurell's Go Dugan (AKC SF-982515)
Laurell's Go For The Gold (AKC SF-961835)
Am. CH Laurell's Gunsmoke At Nealcrest (AKC SM905209/07)
Am. CH Laurell Kylie Girl Go CD (AKC SM786097/01)
Laurell's Go The Distance (AKC SF-960855)
Am. CH Laurell's Love Connection (AKC SM905209/02)
Can./Am. CH Laurell's Goin' My Way (AKC SG-055819)
Laurell's Designing Women (AKC SM905209/04)
Am. CH Laurell's Going Hollywood OD (AKC SF947462 (6-93))
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF (AKC SE219851 (5/87))
Am./Can. CH. Asterlings Ghostbuster (AKC SE227965)
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS (AKC SE372337 (11/86))
Am CH Asterlings Stardust Buster OD (AKC SE241705)
Am CH Asterling's Just Buster Loose CD OD (AKC SE237198 (12/87))
Am. CH Asterling's Trust Buster CD (AKC SE-239985)
Am. CH Asterlings Filly Buster (AKC SE-325955)
Am. CH Laurell's Final Play OD (AKC SE770249)
Laurell's Playing With Fire (AKC SE-759545)
Am. CH Laurell's Playing For Keeps (AKC SE-759692)
Am. CH Goldruls Keymand Performance RN WC CCA VC OD (AKC SR47563303)
Goldruls Just Duck Key (AKC SR47563307)
Goldruls IraKey Mission (AKC SR47563301)
Goldruls Keyp On Playin' (AKC SR47563304)
Goldruls Full O' MalarKey (AKC SR47563305)
Goldruls Keyp'N It Reel (AKC SR47563306)
CH Harborview Just U Wait OS BISS BOSS (AKC SN65922907)
Harborview Just In Time
Harborview Just For Me
Harborview Just One Look (AKC SN65922906)
Tuxedo's Just Rockin and Rollin
Harborview Just Tillie CD (AKC SN659229/03)
Am. CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH CCA VC OD (AKC SR17445303)
Goldruls Hailey Jo Stefanko (AKC SR17445306)
Goldruls Caribbean Taa-joe (AKC SR17445305)
Goldruls Abaco (AKC SR17445310)
Goldruls Coco Cay CD RA OA AXJ NF (AKC SR17445307)
Goldruls Caribbean Riptide (AKC SR17445302)
Goldruls Jamaican Me Laugh (AKC SR17445308)
Goldruls Caribbean Tradewind CGC (AKC SR17445304)
Goldruls Bahama Breeze (AKC SR17445301)
Camelot House Star Light Star Bright JH RN CCA WC CGCA TKA DJ (AKC SS07780506)
Camelot House Redding in the Spotlight CGC (AKC SS07780507)
Camelot House Light Side of the Moon CGC TKN (AKC SS07780505)
Camelot House Nashville's Flashlight CGC TKN (AKC SS07780501)
Camelot House Star Light of Regulus CGC (AKC SS07780504)
Multi BISS GCHS Passion N Powderhorn Only Game In Town BVSS CD JH VC RN WC DJ CGC TKA CA OS SDHF (AKC SR80876901)
Multi BIS BISS Am GCHS CH Summits The Titanic OS SDHF (AKC SR48204105 (8-09))
Summit Sombra's No Small Affair (AKC SR48204106)
CH Summits Carrera Something To Talk About (AKC SR482041/02)
Summits Conair (AKC SR48204103)
Summits Pretty Women (AKC SR482041/04)
Am CH Summits Annecy The Rock (AKC SR48204101)
GCH CH Passion's Natural Woman UD JH WC VCX OD (AKC SR551424/01)
Passion's Riya Sweet Caroline MX, MXJ (AKC SR551424/03)
Passion'S-Picabo's Ive Has The Time Of My Life (AKC SR68300004 (5-16))
Passion's Family Guy at Kelore (AKC SR55142402)
CH Passion's Allstar's He's A High Flyer CD BN RN SH THDX WCX VCX CCA (AKC SR62077102)
Passion's I'M The Lucky One (AKC SR551424/04)
Passion's Magnificent Obsession (AKC SR62077103)
Passion's Nobody Does It Better (AKC SR68300002)
RBPIS. Th. Can. Ch. Passion's International Affairs (AKC SR620771/01)
Passion's Set Fire To The Rain OD (AKC SR711219/01)
Passion's Footloose Gotta Dance OA, AXJ (AKC SR68300001)
Passion's Luck O' The Irish Gracie BN CGC (AKC SR55142406)
Int Nat (USA) Camelot House Living the Good Life CGC CCA RI DN TKN BCAT FDC (AKC SR92152312)
Camelot House Live the Life You Love
Camelot House Life of Emerson Skye (AKC SR92152309)
CH Prism's Hear It In The Deep Heart's Core CD RN JH VC (AKC SR57100003 (2-12))
Prism's Moving Pictures CCA (AKC SR44337808)
GCH CH Prism's Night Moves RN WC OS VC (AKC SR44337803)
CH Prism's She Knows How To Move U RN JH VC (AKC SR44337802)
Prism's The Pirate Move-EE (AKC SR44337801)
Prism's Moves Like a Showgirl (AKC SR44337804)
Prism's Too Tuckered To Move (AKC SR44337805)
Int CH Prism's Move Over In Georgia CCA (AKC SR44337807)
Prism's Thousand Kisses Deep (ptd ) (AKC SR57100004)
Prism's From The Deep Blue Sea (AKC SR57100005)
Prism's Friendship Runs Deep CGC CCA (AKC SR57100001)
Prism's From Deep Down Under (AKC SR57100002)
Prism's Deep Blue Doppler Radar (AKC SR57100006)
Prism's Deep in the Heart of Carolina (AKC SR57100007)
Duchess Daisy Of Camelot RN CA BCAT TKN RATN DJ CGC CCA (AKC SR60549208)

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