
Golden Retriever

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Moukj?rs Findus

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Moukj?rs Findus
Little Mhor's Bandit (0)
SE LCH Little Mhor's Nemo (FCI 0+0)
Little Mhor's Ikaros
DK BRCH Little Mhor's Thiago (0/0)
Little Mhor's Leslie (0/0)
Little Mhor's Asti
Little Mhor's Mio (00)
Little Mhor's Bella (A)
FTCH Tanjin Fergus (clear)
Eng. FT. CH. Kessgold Volvo
Kessgold Sunbeam
Kessgold Porsche
Kessgold Morris
Kessgold Mercedes
Kessgold Lagonda
Kessgold Jaguar
Kessgold Humber
Tanjin Venus
Tanjin Serena
DKWTCH Gleen Mhor's Mia (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Jack The Ripper (FCI 0)
DKBRCH. NOjCH Gleen Mhor's Niko (FCI 0)
Gleen Mhor's Oskar
Gleen Mhor's Sidney (FCI 0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Sigurd
Gleen Mhor's Juventus
Gleen Mhor's Mandy (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Nele (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Rocket
FTW Gleen Mhor's Faya (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Jason Joker (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Louis
Gleen Mhor's Michel (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Peder (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Marnus
Gleen Mhor's Loke
Gleen Mhor's Jule
Gleen Mhor's Line
Gleen Mhor's Brandon
Gleen Mhor's Paul
Gleen Mhor's Zaki (1/1)
Gleen Mhor's Islay
Gleen Mhor's Paige
Gleen Mhor's Pipilotta (0/0)
Anouk of Enigmatic Patience (Unknown 0/0)
Agent Luna of Enigmatic Patience (0/0)
Akira of Enigmatic Patience (0:0)
Aenny of Enigmatic Patience (0/0)
Apple Jack of Enigmatic Patience (0/0)
Ari of Enigmatic Patience (O/O,2003)
Amis of Enigmatic Patience (Unknown O/O,2003)
Gate My Melodie Of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Genna my Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Ivar my Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Igor My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Ivan Nero My Melodie Of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Inas My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Ideal Max My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Indiana Jones My Melodie of Golden Spirit (FCI 0/0)
Ima Luna My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Iines My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
DKWTCH. DKBRCH Ida Red My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Gerrit My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Grille My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Genny My Melodie of Golden Spirit (0/0)
Geisha My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gladys My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Gipsy My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gina My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gill My Melodie of Golden Spirit (O/0)
Huntingfudges Eya (0/0)
Huntingfudges Exi (ua)
Huntingfudges Ecco
DKBRCH. NOjCH Gleen Mhor's Niko (FCI 0)
Gleen Mhor's Jack The Ripper (FCI 0)
Gleen Mhor's Oskar
Gleen Mhor's Sidney (FCI 0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Sigurd
Gleen Mhor's Juventus
Gleen Mhor's Mandy (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Nele (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Rocket
FTW Gleen Mhor's Faya (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Jason Joker (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Louis
Gleen Mhor's Michel (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Peder (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Marnus
Gleen Mhor's Loke
DKWTCH Gleen Mhor's Mia (0/0)
Gleen Mhor's Jule
Gleen Mhor's Line
Gleen Mhor's Brandon
Gleen Mhor's Paul
Gleen Mhor's Zaki (1/1)
Gleen Mhor's Islay
Gleen Mhor's Paige
Gleen Mhor's Pipilotta (0/0)
kiebitz's Olivia Mille (0)
Kiebitz's Limbo-Rock (0/1)
Kiebitz's Idun
Top Flight's Chasing Game (FCI 0)
Greenmeadows Ahoy Captain JH (OFA GR-EL30580M28-VPI)
Greenmeadows Copper Shadow MH WCX (OFA GR-EL35218M34-PI)
Greenmeadow Captain's Kate MH WC OD CCA (OFA GR-EL36546F25-VPI)
HRCH Greenmeadows Ikes Golden Ticket MH WCX (OFA GR-EL29906M24-VPI)
Greenmeadows Master Tracker Maverick
Top Flight's (Help Me!) Rhonda JH (OFA GR-EL23636F24-VPI)
HRCH UH Top Flight Lightning from Olympus MH CD RN BN WCX (OFA GR-EL30620M24-VPI)
Top Flight She's No Angel JH (OFA GR-EL23692F25-VPI)
Top Flight's Rock Me On The Water ***
HRCH Top Flight's Splash N Dash Harley CD MH RE WCX CGC (OFA GR-EL23755M25-VPI)
Top Flight's Deja Vu JH (OFA GR-EL23611F24-VPI)
Top Flight's Cherry Bomb QA2 ***
Norman's Big Chance MH (OFA GR-EL25760M36-VPI)
SHR Topflights El Dorado JH (OFA GR-EL29080M24-VPI)
Top Flight's Cayuga Klingon CD MH20 NJP OAP WCX (OFA GR-EL33934M40-VPI)

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