
Golden Retriever

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East Gate's Wee Explorer CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

East Gate's Wee Explorer CGC (AKC SS21372302)
East Gate's Early Morning Wonder NAP NJP NFP BCAT CGC (AKC SS10391902)
East Gate's Early Verdict NAJ (AKC SS10391904)
East Gate's Early Music Memory MX MXB MXJ MJB (AKC SS10391901)
East Gate's S-Wee-T As A Peach CGC (AKC SS21372301)
East Gate Aries CGC (AKC SS26305906)
Am CH Carma Toadally Off The Wall BOSS (AKC SR93636101)
Can Intl Ch Carma Goldwind Toadily Awesome CGC TKN (AKC SR9363611)
Am GCH Osprey's On Angels' Wings OS (AKC SR76015111)
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS (AKC SR45585501)
CH Venture What Becomes A Legend (AKC SR45585503)
Osprey's Champagne On Ice THDA, CCA CGC (AKC SR57193103)
Am. CH Trailsend Your Cheatin Heart BISS BOSS (AKC SR71899903)
Trailsend Deep in the Heart of Texas (AKC SR71799904)
Trailsend Heart N Soul @ Avalor (AKC SR71899901)
BIS BISS AM GCH Avalor's INXS BVISS OS SDHF (AKC SR23708901 (3-06))
CH Avalors Goin to Xtremes (AKC SR 23708903)
Avalor's X Marx the Spot
BOSS CH Xcelerate Double Your Pleasure BVSS (AKC SR353087/02)
Xcelerate Don't Double Dip
Xcelerate Double Header
Xcelerate Double Indemnity
Am.Ch Xcelerate Twice As Nice (AKC SR353087/01)
Xcelerate Double Time To GoldSky
Xcelerate Double Helix
Xcelerate Double Dutch
Xcelerate Double The Fun
East Gate's Opin & Shut Case (AKC SR96593705)
East Gate's Opin Amazing Grace
AM. GCH AM/UKC CH. Chateau's Spit N Polish RN, CGC (AKC SR74693002)
Chateau's Polished CD (AKC SR74693001)
RBIS Can Ch Eirene's Gone Fishin' SDHF, OS (CKC PC922316)
Eirene's Until Tomorrow
CH. Sunwind's Every Trick In The Book (AKC SR44082703)
BPISS Can. Ch. Sunwind Bowbells Every Obsession (AKC SR44082706 /1098260)
Sunwind Shes Everything To Me
Sunwind's Every Fantasy (AKC SR44082702)
Sunwind BluWater EveryEndeavor
Sunwind's Everlasting Love
Shilo's In It To Wen It CA DS CCA CAT CGC WC (AKC SR76509602)
Shilo's Wen You Believe You Can (AKC SR76509603)
Shilo's Wen You'Re Hot You'Re Hot (AKC SR76509601)
Shilo Wen Johnny Comes Marching Home (AKC SR76509608)
Shilo's Wen We Stop To Smell Roses (AKC SR76509605)
Shilo's Wen You Take it to the Limit (AKC SR76509607)
Shilo's Glide N WEN Stride N (AKC SR76509606)
Shilo's Wen You're Adorable (AKC SR76509604)
CH Westin Having A Party UD SH OA OAJ WCX VCX BOSS OS (AKC SR10331708 (1-06))
Am Ch. Westin Goin' For Broke (AKC SN85035601)
Westin Crstal Blu Persuasion (AKC SR10331702)
CH Shilo's C Y I'm Nu Mero Uno BISS (AKC SR53037301)
GCH. Shilo's Ooh La La Pa'Ree (AKC SR60859001)
Am-Can CH Shilo's Nu Blue Diamond (AKC SR53037304)
Shilo's I Nu She Was Magnificent (AKC SR53037307)
Shilo's No Ree-Son To Worry (AKC SR60859005)
Shilo's C Y Ima Ree Pete @ Mapleglo CCA (AKC SR60859002)
Shilo's Million Ree Zons 2 Smile (AKC SR60859003)
Can CH Shilo Ree Member the Ambient Spirit (AKC SR60859004)
Shilo Look Who's Makin The Nu'z (AKC SR53037305)
Shilo's Bright NU Day (AKC SR53037302)
Am. Ch. Shilo's Nu Year's Celebration (AKC SR53037303)
Shilo's Nu Sundog (AKC SR53037306)
Shilo's If I Nu Then What I Know Now (AKC SR53037308)
Shilo's Nu Boy Remy (AKC SR53037309)

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