
Golden Retriever

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Her Majesty Luna of Liberty

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Her Majesty Luna of Liberty
Miss Betty Of Grimley Dyn.
Nessie Canterbury Macbeth
Sourdough's Magical Luna Lovegood
Lady Bailey Stucki Of Canterbury (OFA Mild Unilateral Left (Sep 23 2019))
Lady Liddie Du Lac (OFA Moderate (Jan 31 2018))
Lucille Golden Lady of Newcastle
Baxter White of Shaggy Mountain (OFA Prelim Borderline Unilateral Left (Jul 20 2018))
Lone Cedar Sky (OFA GR-124965F37F-PI)
Lucy The Duchess Of Canterbury
Sir Wall-E Of Canterbury (OFA GR-105811F24M-VPI)
Golden Valleys Bailey (OFA GR-105645F24F-VPI)
Ushers Handsome Star (Billabong) (OFA GR-112225F55M-VPI)
Alnclair Handsome Hansel (OFA GR-93749G25M-PI)
Aust Ch Alnclair James Hendrix (5:4)
Aust Ch Alnclair Ben Nevis (6:6)
Alnclair Miss Aisle (3:3)
Alnclair A Bobbys Gun (Unknown 4:4 (8))
Make Me A Star Of The Morning Valley
Mackenzie Of The Morning Valley (OFA GR-97940E27M-NOPI)
Master Mind of the Morning Valley
Madison Of The Morning Valley (OFA GR-98583F30F-PI)
DTS.CH & VDH CH. Dream Max An Apple A Day (C1)
Int'l Ch. Dream Max Apple Of My Eye
Dream Max Little Green Apple
DK & SWE SH & FIN CH, SVCH Dream Max Paradise Apple (A/A (1/2006))
Dream Max Apple Jack (B/B (12/2005))
SU(U)CH Dream Max Apple Blossom (A/A (12/2005))
Can.Ch Dream Max Apple Computer (OFA GR-92257G26M-PI)
Intl/Natl CH Dream Max The Big Apple (BVA 8:4)
Muireann of the Morning Valley (B1)
Young Wallace Of The Morning Valley (Netherlands Hips:B1)
Peace Dove Of The Morning Valley
Ch IB, Bel, Lux, Trialer Penny Lane of the Morning Valley (B (200?))
Bear Of Gold G Izildora (OFA GR-119314G36F-VPI)
JCH SRB Bear of Gold G Cleopatra (FCI A/C)
Bear Of Gold Goga's Lorien
Bear of Gold G Dor Angona (OFA GR-119315E36F-VPI)
Bear Of Gold Gil Galand
SerCH Swanavly Nordic Seal Ch Reproduction (A1)
IntCh,SerCh,JCh,Jun Club W. '07, ClubWin '08,'09. Swanavly Nordic Breeze (A1)
Swanavly Nordic Memories (A2)
IntCh,SerCH, Club Winner '08,'09 Swanavly Nordic Sun (A1)
Bulg.Club Winner 08 Swanavly Nordic Pride
GER VDH CH. & CLUB CH. CRUFTS qualifiied 2016 Swanavly Nordic Venture (FCI FCI B)
Swanavly Nordic Adventure (A2)
NUCH Siatham Raynor (A2)
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana (B1)
Siatham Renita (8:6)
Siatham Riva at Gwelo (5:5)
Siatham Robinson of Mulfield (6/6)
Int.Ch & Yu.Ch.CruftsQual for Life Swanavly San Simone Club Winner Best Bitch2004 (BVA Hip score 7:4)
Ch. Swanavly San Bernanda (BVA hip score 7 : 4)
SCG Ch. Swanavly San Katrina (FCI A/B)
JW, Yu Ch. CH SCG Swanavly San Francisco (A1)
Swanavly San Marino
Int.Ch. & Yu Ch.Crufts Qual.for Life Swanavly San Mathea Club Winner Best Bitch 2005 (BVA Hip score 7:6)
Intl CH. Swanavly San Gabriel d'Quapaw (OFA GR-90212E59M-PI)
Ch Srb Grand Ch Gogas For Love Bear (A)
Gryffyndor of Goga's Pride
Glamorous Soul of Goga
Serb Ch Glory of Love from Goga (FCI HD-B/C)
Gordon of Goga's Love
JCh, ChSrb Gently Heart of Goga (FCI HD - A)
Golden Smile from Goga
Glamour Lady of Goga
SrbJCh, SrbCH Gala of Goga's Pride (FCI B)
JCh, ChSrb, Junior Club Winner 2012 Gemma Happy Love of Goga (FCI HD-A/B)
IntCh,JCh,Ch Ser,Club Winner 2011, Swanavly Imperial Peridot (FCI A1 4:5)
Swanavly Imperial Jade (A1 4:3)
Swanavly Imperial Amethyst
IntChSerCh Crufts Qualifiied 2016 Swanavly Imperial Emerald (A1 4:4)
ChSer JunCh Swanavly Imperial Garnet (A/A)
Ch Srb Eternal Flame V.I.M. Team (FCI HD- B)

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