
Golden Retriever

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Christi David's Blessing

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Christi David's Blessing (AKC SN89366102)
Chris Ti Christmas Traveler (AKC SN89366109)
Chris Ti Christmas Bells (AKC SN89366105)
Elvis Preston (AKC SN89366101)
C'Ti George's Princess Grace (AKC SN89366103)
Chris Ti One Grand Geniveve (AKC SN89366106)
Chris Ti Nala (AKC SN89366107)
Chris Ti Yuletide Buckingham (AKC SN89366108)
Chrys-Haefen Magnum Force (AKC SN63849801)
chrys-haefen Ode To Joy (CKC bq127098)
CanCH Kenave Minstor (AKC SF493502)
Eng. SH. CH. Brensham Endymion Of Golmas
Kenave Krystal (Other KCSB 2348BT)
Kenave Kormorant
Chrys-Haefen Encore by Luck
Chrys-Haefen Encore By Chance
Chrys-Haefen Private Luck (CKC YG049423)
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Luck O'St. Aubrey
Chris-Tis Space Cop Shebocca (AKC SN50553706)
Lady Emerald Tiara Chris Ti
Can. CH. Chrys-Haefen Private Eye OS (CKC YE946134)
Can. CH Chrys-Haefen The Norseman OS (CKC PU334579)
Can. CH Chrys-Haefen Firefly's Goblin Can.WC
Chrys-Haefen Nipper the Great (CKC PU334766)
Chrys-Haefen Gracious Christie
Chrys-Haefen Crystal Image
Chrys-haefen Skylon Impossible
Chrys-Haefen Oscar Myer
Can.CH Cal-Vo's Graceful Geniveve CGC (AKC SN260540/11)
Cal-Vo's Golden Gram (AKC SN260540/07)
CanCH Cal-Vo's Grand Prix (AKC SN26054002)
Can CH Cal-Vo's Gamely Gabriella (AKC SN26054001)
Calvo's Gweneviere Springold's (AKC SN26054004)
Cal-Vo's Sassy Cassie (AKC SN36436801)
Cal-Vo's Impossible Dream (AKC SN36436808)
Cal-Vo's Irish Cream (AKC SN36436804)
Calvo's Gandolph Of Springold's (AKC SN26054003 (12-96))
Cal-Vo's G Man Bailey (AKC SN26054012)
Can CH Saddleback Rechargable Randall OS (CKC SG475753)
saddleback van hailen
CanCH Saddleback Yancey Yuanna
CanCH Saddleback Yosemite Sam
Can. CH Saddleback Islay Mist
Can. CH Saddleback Verity Forsooth
Cameo's Bit O'Honey For Cal-Vo (AKC SM880938/07)
Cameo Beloved (SM880938/06)
Cameo Gemma Broselow (SM880938/01)
Cameo Brewster (SM880938/02)
Camrose British Saxon (SM880938/03)
Camero Baroque Magnolia (SM880938/04)
Cameo Benevolence (SM880938/05)

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