
Golden Retriever

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Brasil Calli Ops I DID IT Again

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brasil Calli Ops I DID IT Again
Tweedmouth Goldens Ian Somerhalder
BIS Am GCh Jp GCh Arg Br Ch Golden Trip Maximus Dexter (OFA GR-EL39698M30-PI)
Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Darling
MBISS MBIS GCHB CH AM CH BRA Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Mateo SDHF (OFA GR-EL42005M25-PI)
AmCH Golden Trip Maximus Fabulous Dorah (OFA GR-EL42026F25-PI)
Am CH Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous Until The End
BPISS, AmGCH CH Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous Likeme OD (OFA GR-EL38193F24-VPI)
BISS KCT CH Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Marilyn
Golden Trip Maximus Diva
Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous In The Show
Am GCH Osprey's On Angels' Wings OS (OFA GR-EL32591M24-VPI)
BIS Gr Ch Am Br Goldentrip Babalu (OFA GR-EL30630F37-VPI)
Goldentrip Victoria Forever In My Mind
Goldentrip Victory Fire Lane
CH GR CH PUPPY BIS Goldentrip Victoria Is back (FCI Normal)
Summit's Goldentrip Troy (OFA GR-EL31545M27-VPI)
Summit's Happy To Be Me (OFA GR-EL31231F25-NOPI)
Summit's Goldentrip Fortsangel
Ch Gr Ch Goldentrip Victoria Louise (OFA GR-EL31544F24-VPI)
Goldentrip Victoria Thelma
Brasil calli garoa
Br.Ch.Pan.Ch.Br.GCh.PanGch Fly Golden Johnny Cash (FCI Normal)
Br.GCh.Pan Am.GCh Fly Golden Don't Stop Me Now (NORMAL ( FCI ))
Puppy Ch. Fly Golden Killer Queen (Ed Normal)
Nautilus Bristol Savassi
M.BISS.AM.KOR.INT.NTG.AKU.CH. Nautilus Jose Aldo At Buma Club
Nautilus Vidia At River Wind (OFA GR-EL31592F25-VPI)
GCH CH Nautilus Aneira (OFA GR-EL32452F30-VPI)
Fly GoldenJessie
Fly Golden Blue
CH.Int.Ven.Bra.Ecu .Gr Ch Bra Snowshoe's Cesar Boy
Snowshoe's Great Romance
Snowshoe's Great Taste (OFA GR-EL13890F24-PI)
BIS.Br CH/Arg CH/Pan CH. Snowshoe's Great Balls Of Fire
CH Snowshoe Greatest Show On Earth CD (OFA GR-EL13836F24-PI)
Can CH Snowshoe's Great Escape TD
Snowshoe's A Boy And His Toy
Snowshoes Greater Expectation of Carsi

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