
Golden Retriever

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Golden Trip Goodtimes Divina

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Golden Trip Goodtimes Divina
Can GCH Arg Goodtime Carry The Torch To Aviemore
Ch. Goodtime's Super G
RBIS GCHB Goodtime's Perfect Ten BISSx3 RN (9.5 years)
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS (12 years)
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show
Am CH Boitanos Band on the Run to Abelard OS (7 years)
Ch. Boitano's the Band Plays on (6 years)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Run For The Roses SDHF OD (15.5 years)
CH Goodtime Born In The USA
CH Goodtime's NYC Serenade
Am. CH. Goodtime's Code Red At Voyager RN AX AXJ NF WC VCX (13.5 years)
Goodtime's Secret Garden
Goodtime's Golden Wonder
Goodtime, Waterford E Street
Goodtime's Human Touch
CH Goodtime's Glory Days OD
CH. Goodtime I'm On Fire OA OAJ (12.5 years)
CH Avalor's Mov'N N Grov'N To Goodtime
Avalor Anthem I'M In The Move For Love (12.5 years)
Avalor's Moving Violation
CH Avalors Movn Out OD (13.5 years)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Best Case Scenario CD JH WC VCX OS SDHF (15 years)
Goodtime's Shadow
Am. Ch. Goodtime's Best Foot Forward OD (11.5 years)
BIS Am/Can CH Goodtime's Trademark of Rush Hill OA NAJ OS SDHF
Am. CH Goodtime's Trade Secret AX, AXJ
Am. CH Goodtime's Jack of All Trades (5 years)
Goodtime's Queenly Best
Goodtime's Best Rich Victory
MEX CH, GCM, CC Goodtime's Best Of Luck
Goodtime's Best Part Of Life
Goodtime's Best Is Yet To Come
Goodtime's Best Seller
Goodtime's Tricks Of The Trade (1.5 years)
Goodtime's Trade Talk Mystar
Am Ch Karagold's Sandpiper Steam N Cream OD (11 years)
CH KaraGolds Magik Java Jolt
Golden Trip Maximus Diva
Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Darling
MBISS MBIS GCHB CH AM CH BRA Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Mateo SDHF
AmCH Golden Trip Maximus Fabulous Dorah
Am CH Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous Until The End
BIS Am GCh Jp GCh Arg Br Ch Golden Trip Maximus Dexter
BPISS, AmGCH CH Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous Likeme OD
BISS KCT CH Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Marilyn (8 years)
Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous In The Show
Am GCH Osprey's On Angels' Wings OS (8.5 years)
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS (10.5 years)
CH Venture What Becomes A Legend
Osprey's Champagne On Ice THDA, CCA CGC (9 years)
BIS Gr Ch Am Br Goldentrip Babalu
Am CH/ Br CH. Rosecrest Summit The Apprentice (8.5 years)
Rosecrest Mona's Lisa's (13 years)
Summit's Cause For Applause
Golden Trip Kiss Generation
BIS U-CH/Am GCH CH Golden Trip Repeating The Success CD (11.5 years)
WW05, Br CH/ Arg CH. Golden Trip You Are Made For Me
Goldentrip's Fox Mulder
BIS BISS Am/Ar/Br/Mx CH Golden Trip's One Kiss More OD SDHF (10 years)
BIS. GrCh Bra. GrCh Arg. GrCh Ur Golden Trip's Standing Ovation (12 years)
Golden Trip Summit Caipirinha
Golden Trip Kiss For Luck

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