
Golden Retriever

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AFTCH Mist Elberta's Decision Am **

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

AFTCH Mist Elberta's Decision Am **
Mist Sea Breeze
Mist er Amigo
FTCH AFTCH Erinhills Rupert (6.5 years)
Erinhills Rip Roarin To Go
Erinhills Who's That Girl
Erinhills Morgan
AFC Caymans Rum Point Red OS FDHF (15.5 years)
Mello Yello Milo
Alpenglo's Rise And Shine
Jim's Joy
Alpenglo's Glory Hallelujah MH (10 years)
Wahkiakum's Waskesiu Cruiser JH *** (6.5 years)
Deserts Golden Glory JH ** OD (14 years)
Shadrack's Obsession
Sundais Desert Rally
Desert Oasis
HRCH Wasatch's Desert Jasmine MH OD (13.5 years)
Frisbies Special Export ***
FTCH AFTCH Gillian of Erinhills FDHF
CFTCH Erinhills Rug Cutter *** FDHF (15.5 years)
Erinhills Copper of Goldendale
Erinhill's Abbey Road
Erinhills Fly The Bunker CanSH Am**
Erinhills Sidewinder **
Tamsu's Sydney CanCD
HRCH OTCH GMH Tamsu's Gilmore WCX ATCH CGC TT (16 years)
Lady McKenzie Mist
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond's R.V. Am *** OS Can. FDHF (10.5 years)
Cedarpond's Fairway Legend **
Cedarpond's Brunswick Mist
Cedarpond Am I Tuff Enuff CanWCX
Cedarpond Midas Dazzling Diana SH, WCX
GMHR Cedarpond RockErin Always Redy
FTCH GMHR Cedarpond Rockerin Beabhin *** OD
Cedarpond's Goldenboy Talia
Cedarpond Alberta Bound Can ***
Cedarpond Gabriel ***
Tigathoe's Cut of Cedarpond Can ***
Cedarpond's Makwa II Can*** WCX
FC FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Brasdor Skywalker OS Can. FDHF (12.5 years)
Cedarpond Blaine Splash Of Gold
Cedarpond Topbrass Canuck WCX JH
Cedarpond's First Power
Cedarpond Dash To Ambertrail
Cedarpond Wrassl Tassl Can ***
Cedarpond Ninja Red *** OS (13.5 years)
FTCH Cedarpond's Nike *** Can FDHF
FTCH AFTCH Shurmark's Split Decision Am. MH *** OS Can. FDHF (15.5 years)
Shurmark's Knockem Dead Kid ***
Shurmark's Camelle
NAFTCH FTCH Brasdor's Razzl Dazzl Am. *** OD Can. FDHF (12.5 years)
Windbreakers Ocean Pacific WC
Mallardiths Rowdy JH
FC AFC Windbreakers Smoke'n Zigzag OD FDHF (11 years)
Tartan Windbreaker
Windbreaker's Gold Huntress
Windbreaker Echo Of Topbrass *** OD
FTCH AFTCH CanOTCH Windbreaker Bulrush Buddy Can FDHF Am CDX OS (11.5 years)
Windbreakers Shuttle Express MH
Smoke'n Red's Howlin Mad
Frisbies Enchanted Case-Y ***
Sharham's Flash Of Gold ***
Dusty's Golden Destiny **
Windbreaker's Smoke'n Top Gun
FC AFC Windbreakers Mighty Mo OS FDHF (15 years)
Windbreakers Desert Dust *** OD
FC AFC Topbrass Windbreaker Zap OS FDHF
FTCH Windbreakers Khaki Kipp Am *** Can. CDX
Frisbies Olympia Gold ** OS
Windbreakers Red Smoke ***
Windbreakers Pandemonium ***
Windbreaker's Scout's Honor ***
Windbreakers Smoken Sunrise WCX *** (6 years)
Windbreakers Pestuous Gale SH
Windbreakers Sparklen Saber
Tigathoe's Burnout
Hot Shot Sugar Britches
Windbreakers Razzle Dazzle
Razz's Smoke'n Dixie Belle
Smoke'n Red's Southern Comfort
Smoke 'N Red Raider ***
MHR Sunshine Otis Spunkmeyer MH WCX *** (13.5 years)
Windbreakers Magic Carpet JH
Windbreaker's Roxy Roller WCX ***
Just Lucy
FTCH AFTCH Westwing Pacific Disturbance
Kona's Colorado Sandstorm Can ***
Maplehill Hurricane *** Can. WCX CDX Am.WCX
Can FTCH AFTCH Barty's Sunshine Express Can WCX FDHF (13.5 years)
Holway Barty's Golden Tierra CanWC CD WCX
Cinnamon 4th CanCD
FTCH AFTCH Mist Elberta Sungold FDHF

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