Loyis | Zefir Donetskoe Zolotko | | Flaviya Von Osten Herz Filichita von Osten Herz CH UA FLIRT MY LIFE VON OSTEN HERZ FLAVIA VON OSTEN HERZ 5xCh UA, BBB Furor von Osten Herz (0) | MultCh, ChUA, ChMOL, ChBYE, ChRUS, JChUa Big Boss of the Famous Family (0/0) CIE. Ch. Best Wishes of the Famous Family (0/0) Belissima of the Famous Family (0/0) HJCH Born Wild of the Famous Family (0/0) Int.Ch.HRCh.RoCh.SKCh.HCh.HSCh.HJCh.Lux.JCh. Burning Hot of The Famous Family (0/0 (2010)) JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family (ED-0) JunChRus, ChRus, JunChNkp, ChNkp, ChRKF Ballerina of the Famous Family (ED 0) | | CH UA Victoria's Secret Velocity of the Wind MULTICH, ChUA, RU, MAC,MOL,BBB Victoria's Secret Valse of White Angel GRCHMOL,MAC,UA ChUA VICTORIA'S SECRET VENTUROSA VICTORIA'S SECRET VIGOROSA NOBLE (0/0) IntShCh,Int&MltCh,SupGrChUa,GrChUa(x3),Mol,Rus Victoria's Secret Vanilla Sky Ua/Rus/Bye/Bul/Mol/Bal/RKF CH,AllUa win'09, JChUa (ED 0/0) ChUa, Bye, Rus, Mol Victoria's Secret Vanquisher of Hearts IntCh, MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, Bul, Rom, Rus, Mol, Bye Victoria's Secret Valiancy in Me | WW`06, Dt JCh, Nl. & Dt. & Lux & Pl Ch Moondust Masterpiece Clubsieger 2005 & 2006 (FCI 1/1) MultiCH. Moondust King Of Diamonds (BVA 0/0) Moondust Melinda (0/1 (2004)) Dutch/German Ch. Moondust Emma Moondust Magical Mystery (OFA GR-EL13541M24-PI) Ger./Lux. Jr. CH. Moondust Eleanor | MultCh, GrChBul, ChBul, Ua, Bye, Mol, Mak, Bal Victoria's Secret Rococo (0/0) InterCh. MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, Mol, Bye, Rus Victoria's Secret Ray of the Sun (0/0) Mult Ch, Ch UA, Mol, Ru, Bel, RKF VICTORIA'S SECRET ROYAL FLASH GrChUa, ChUa, ChMol Victoria's Secret Razor's Edge Victoria's Secret Renaissance VICTORIA'S SECRET RIO-RITTA |