K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Hanrebor Gemini

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Hanrebor Gemini (0)
FTW & OFTAW Hanrebor Jack Snipe (0)
Hanrebor Black Jack (0)
Hanrebor Black Magic (0)
Hanrebor Pretty As A Picture (0)
FTAW Hanrebor Blackcap (BVA 0/0)
Cheweky Feta (BVA 0)
Cheweky Monterey Jack
Arkglas Pru (0)
arkglas pheonix
FTCh Arkglas Taylor (BVA 0)
FTCH Arkglas Thor (0)
SE VCH Arkglas Tagg (0)
Arkglas Tash (1)
Arkglas Teva (2)
Arkglas Thomas
Arkglas Tia (0)
Arkglas Tobias
Arkglas Tulla Of Silvafern (BVA 2)
Arkglas Turner
Millsey Tamsin (BVA 0)
Millsey Talulah (0)
Teeshot Moonshine (0)
FTCh Drakeshead Vodka (0)
Drakeshead Varona of Lamazing (0)
Drakeshead Vanda (0/0)
FTW Drakeshead Virgo (0)
Drakeshead Vespa
Drakeshead Vaun
Drakeshead Vern
OFTW Drakeshead Vince (BVA 0/0)
Drakeshead Volvo
Drakeshead Violet Of Grouseland (1)
Drakeshead Vine (0)
I.FTCH Drakeshead Vogue (0)
FTCh Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway (0)
FTW Dipplelodge Rossetti
Dipplelodge Bronte
Dipplelodge Shelley
Dipplelodge Trollope
Dipplelodge Milton
FTCh Levenghyl Silvercloud Of Drakeshead (0/0)
Int FTCH Levenghyl Mountain (FCI 0/0)
FT Ch Levenghyl Lionheart (2)
FT Ch Levenghyl Sun Dancer (2)
Levenghyl Topnotch
Levenghyl River of Chrisbrook
Levenghyl Sky Walker (0/0)
Levenghyl Shooting Star
Levenghyl Rising Star of Ffynongain
Levenghyl Brenna of Chisbrook (0/0)
Delfleet Star Shine (0)
Delfleet Saffron
Delfleet Sydney
Delfleet Summer of Braalcastle
Delfleet Quail
Delfleet Quest
Delfleet Style (0)
Delfleet Spice
Delfleet Shadow
Delfleet Scout
Delfleet Lily
Delfleet Satin (BVA 0)
FTCh Mediterian Blue
FTW Ceader View
Beach Comba of Liddlesbrook (BVA 1/1)
Ebony Black as Night
Summer Satin
Mustard Spice
Ash Coppice
Hopefull Willow
Teak Street
Artic White
Delfleet Kittiwake
Delfleet Kahuna
Delfleet Kalypso
Delfleet Kenzie
Delfleet Kings Legend
Delfleet Kite
Delfleet Keeper

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