
Golden Retriever

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Ivesi Be The Light CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ivesi Be The Light CGC (OFA GR-144158G25F-P-VPI)
Chase Your Dreams Beau
Majestic Mountain Rosie
Peyton Manning Of Volunteer Goldens
Fantasy Fly Mackenzie
Fantasy Fly Mia Regina
Fantasy Fly Majestic At Iron Hill (OFA GR-130679E24M-VPI)
Fantasy Fly Melba Toast (A/A)
CH Fantasy Fly Mallard Thunder (A/A(2019))
Fantasy Fly Me To The Moon
Fantasy Fly Mistica (OFA GR-131587G26F-VPI)
Dutch Ch, Dutch Jr Ch & Lux. Jr Ch Vestafjell's Quite Knight Clubwinner 2022 & Crufts Qualification 2019 (FCI A)
Vestafjell's Quantum Of Solace (A)
Vestafjells quite night (A)
N UCH Vestafjell's Queen Of Hearts (FCI A/A)
Vestafjell's Quantum Of Emotion
Jako's Tell Me A Story (B)
N UCH. Jakos Take My Breath Away (A/A)
VWW.20.EW'16.EJW'15.SPA.INT.PT.GBZ CH/ ES,PT JCH, PPW-15, PMW-15 Jako's Tribute To Lar De Casanova PAN (A/A)
Jako's Treat Me Kindly (BVA 7:13, DKK CZ 2/0)
INT.Ch, 3xBISS, JChRus, JChClub, ChRus, ChClub, ChRKF, GrandCh, ChBlr, GrandChBlr, ChAz, GrChAz Jako's Together Keep Love (В)
Jako's Touch the Astral Sky
EW-15, NO(u)CH, SE(u)CH Fenwood Elles Belles NV-14, NORDv-14 (FCI A)
Fenwood Ell Paco (A2:A2)
Fenwood Ell Dorado
Eng Sh Ch Fenwood Ell Masterpiece at Bluewaters JW (BVA 7-7)
Fenwood ELLE JW (BVA 4;7)
JCH Ukraine , Moldova, CH , Ukraine, Moldova, Belorus Sunny Delight's Team Star (A)
Sunny Delight's Team Squad (FCI B1/A2)
SECH Sunny delight's Team Spirit
Vice-JEW'12 , CH SwedenUA,MOL,RO , JCH UA, RUS Thevenet Pep's Team (A/A)
Ch Thevenet Piquenbauer (A-A)
INT CH Thevenet Frutica Picada (A (AVEPA))
Thevenet Beso Al Aire
Thevenet Eclipse De Cor
VDH GER CH Thevenet Mitologia Griega
WW'14, Trialer, C.I.E, C.I.B, France, Finnish CH Thevenet Expansion By Sasha (A/A (AVEPA))
NUCH, DKCH(S) DKV12 Thevenet Energia Positiva (A/B)
Thevenet Hacer Dulce La Sal (A (AVEPA))
Thevenet Per Sempre Jove (B (AVEPA))
SU(u)CH Sunny Delight's Zoulchic
Navilis Virtuosa
Navilis Vanilla Sky
Navilis Vision for the Future (OFA GR-133028G24F-VPI)
Navilis Venturesome CGCA, CGCU, TKN (OFA GR-132994G24M-VPI)
Navilis Voodoo Queen (FCI A)
Navilis Very Irresistible
Navilis Visualization
CIE, MultiCH, JCHUA, JCHLT, JCHMOL, CH BUL, CH MOL, CH UA, BBB Ramchaine Virtuoso GrandCH, SuperGrandCH (FCI B)
Ramchaine Vibrant
Ramchaine Extremely Fetching (FCI A/A)
Ramchaine Extremely Scrummy FDC BCAT RATN ATT (OFA GR-126151G26F-VPI)
Ramchaine Vision On (A/A lecture RCF)
Ramchaine Vanguard (B)
Ramchaine Exceedingly Swanky (FCI A)
Ramchaine Exceedingly Zestful
Int Sh Ch, Dutch / Danish / German/ VDH Champion Noah of the Hellacious Acres Ejgs'12, NJK, DJK, VHD (FCI HD B)
Dt. Vet.Ch. Club (GRC) Niatross of the Hellacious Acres
Ramchaine Belly Dancer (A/A)
Ramchaine Arabian Princess (FCI A)
JChMol, ChUa Golden Supreme Euphoria (FCI B)
Golden Supreme Envy Me
Golden Supreme Easy Access (HD A A NW 40)
SEUuCH DKCH(u) NOCH Golden Supreme Erase And Rewind (FCI B/B)
Golden Supreme Eternal Flame (A)
Dutch&German Ch Fly to Fletcher du Bois de la Rayere (FCI A)
C.I.E. Ch.(H;Cro;) Multi JCh. (H;Cro;?st;SK) Fly Over the Golden-Hill Du Bois de la Rayere (BVA 5/4)
Fly To Eternity du Bois de la Rayere (A/A)
Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayere (FCI A2)
INT (C.I.B. + C.I.E.) CH Fly To Ghost Myst du Bois de la Rayere (A/A)
Fly To French Line du Bois de la Rayere (0/1)
SeVCh Flower To Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayere (FCI B)
Zampanzar Copy and Paste (A/A)
Zampanzar Zero to Ten (A (2014))
Zampanzar Mr. Magic (FCI A (2014))
Zampanzar Pop-Up (FCI A (2014))
SEU(U)CH-SE JV'14-WW'15 Zampanzar Baby Blue (FCI A (2014))
Zampanzar Red Hot and Blue (FCI A (2014))
Zampanzar Mrs. Jones (FCI A (2014))
Zampanzar Iggy Pop (BVA 10/10)

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