
Golden Retriever

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Can. Ch. Skylon Perfect Gentleman

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Can. Ch. Skylon Perfect Gentleman (OFA GR-126789E24M-VPI)
CanGCH Bel Canto's Balladeer for Brevmac (OFA GR-111112G24M-VPI)
Belcanto Mygolden Fenix (OFA GR-112358G30F-VPI)
Eng. Ch Trewater Made To Measure J.W. S.G.W.C. (6:3)
Trewater Made By Magic
Trewater Made For Joy (3:4)
Trewater Made to Treasure
Trewater Made In Heaven (5:5)
Trewater Made With Love
Trewater Made My Way
Eng. SH. CH. & Swe Sh Ch Lindjan Xylonite (BVA 7:5)
Lindjan Rhythm and Blues at Plaza (5:6)
Trewater Lottie SGWC (BVA Hip Score 2:7)
Trewater Latino at Gowergold (BVA Hip Score 5:7)
Trewater Blue Baloo
LP1 Trewater Bollinger (A1)
Trewater Black Jack At Gowergold (5:4)
IT. CH. Trewater Hot Pursuit (BVA 3:4)
Trewater Legend (A1)
Trewater Hot Toddie (0/0)
Trewater Lollipop at Caffimbra (6:5)
Trewater Labaloo
Moon Shadow de Ria Vela (BVA 5 - 3)
Midnight Music at Ria Vela
INT/SPA/PT/DK/GBZ/SWE/NOR CH, PT GR CH, GBZ JCH. Mad About You de Ria Vela CC & BOS at Crufts 2013, LW'11'12, OW'13, NW'12 (BVA 6-3)
JEW?09, CIE, SP, SLO & PT CH Mon Cheri de Ria Vela (Unknown B1)
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (FCI HD-A/A (2006))
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix (A/A 2006)
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B (A/A (2006))
V-EW'09, INT/SPA/PT CH Nativegold Diamond Forever to Ria Vela (BVA 5:3)
Skylon Heart's Desire
Mountain Caps Chandler
Can. CH. Giltedge Traveller Can. JH, WC (OFA GR-88318G24M-PI BVA 1:1)
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Blackwatch (6:4)
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Angel Dust (1:4)
Giltedge Gold Dust (4:4)
Aust. CH. Standfast Dream Ticket From Kerrien (BVA Hip Score 6:4)
Standfast Del Rio of Hayjoy (6:6)
Eng. SH. CH. Standfast Desdemona of Crowood JW (BVA Hip Score 18:17)
Yellowfetch Pixie Dust CCD (5:6)
Skylon Southern Belle
Can. BISS CH. Cheek to Cheek Steve MacQueen (OFA GR81723G26M-PI; OVC 017953)
Cheek to Cheek Undercover Agent (A1)
Cheek to Cheek Undercover Blues
Cheek to Cheek Sean Connery
Cheek to Cheek Sandra Bullock
Trialer Cheek to Cheek Sharon Stone (AA (2002?))
Cheek to Cheek Sophia Loren
J.Ch.Pl,Ch.PL,LT,UA Cheek to Cheek Underground Velvet (HD-A1)
skylon savannah

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