
Golden Retriever

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Jake Lodin

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jake Lodin (AKC SR12709105)
Little Lady Lea (AKC SR12709107)
Du Roches Rosko (AKC SN65543707 (10-00))
Cassandra Shenandoah Duroche (AKC SN65543709)
Beau's Shelly Nicole (AKC SN70525102 (7-01))
Prince Beauregard Du Roche (AKC SN07420607 (3-98))
Twentyfour Carat Charlie (AKC SE689107 (9-93))
October Anticipation
Tosha Wild Bear
Hoilands Lickety-Split (AKC SD704595)
Wichers Kiamichi (AKC SD471957 (2-86))
Keegold Sweet Molly Brown (AKC SF897308 (9-93))
Josephine Michele Du Roche (AKC SN33322407 (3-98))
Macgolden Teddy Bear (AKC SN33322406 (3-98))
Turk's Golden Penney (AKC SN33322401)
Golden Alpha Abbey Of Tracy (AKC SN33322403)
Brules Copper Flash (AKC SN33322409 (1/98))
Golden Turk Of Shiloh (AKC SE858323 (6-96))
Brule Alpha (AKC SM89643005 (10-95))
Ikes Golden Ginger (AKC SN58007605)
Kolo's Kelsi (AKC SN64524204)
Pepper's Sandy (AKC SN58007604)
Cooder Alan Omar (AKC SN86142202 (11-02))
Seig's Mike (AKC SN25287105)
J's Chico (AKC SN25287104)
Shakenbake Jake (AKC SN25287103 (8-96))
Sir Fredrick's Thadeus (AKC SF983805 (1/92))
Sandy's Gold Rush Ginger (AKC SN06067207)
Zeig's Pepper (AKC SN39727704)
Oleo's Namely Naomi (AKC SN39727701 (8-98))
Starbuck XXV (AKC SM80181901 (11-95))
By-Jobe's PDQ (AKC SF683051 (5-91))

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