
Golden Retriever

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Tram (LOF 1618/319)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tram (LOF 1618/319)
Baltic Golden Ashley
Baltic Golden Andy
Baltic Golden Arno
Swiss CH. Camrose Listrender
Camrose Lastrid of Mornmist
Camrose Lantonia of Squirrelsmead
Rolica Camrose Louise
Camrose Pollyana CD
Can. CH. Camrose Lorretoo
Camrose Prospero
Camrose Pollyanna CD
Eng. CH. Cabus Janville Defender
Can. CH. Janville Delegate
Janville Destiny
Janville Delight
Janville Diadem
Camrose Wistansy
Camrose Wistara
Eng. Ch. Camrose Wistura
Int. CH. Master Melody
Mastergirl (DK 10566/74)
Dk Ch Headmaster (DKK 10563/74)
Mastermarquis (DKK 17708/75)
Byxfield Candy Floss
Anbria Byxfield Candy Floss
Byxfield Katrina
Danish CH. Glenavis Bellagirl
Eng. SH. CH./Nor. CH. Glenavis Barman
Glenavis Boatman
Glenavis Bellame
Glenavis Belladonna
Mossy (LOF 960/152)
Mylord (LOF 954/103)
Leolion Of Golden Pine
Golden Pine's Tiny Tim OS (11 years)
Golden Pine High Farms Repeat CD
Alyce (SB275386)
X'kalin Of The Manor's Pride
Reginald Of The Manor's Pride
Holway Gypsy

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