K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Cuckavalda Fringe of Tideflow

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Cuckavalda Fringe of Tideflow
Cuckavalda Mabpup
Cuckavalda Nin
Cuckavalda Bert
FTCh Leadburn Viceroy
Leadburn Victor
Leadburn Vince
Leadburn Virtue
Leadburn Valley
Leadburn Vertex
Leadburn Vito Of Granitestone
FTAW Leadburn Val of Longcopse
FTCh Willowyck Ruff (8 years)
Willowyck Royal Reflection
Willowyck Rare Tinker
Willowyck Raven
Willowyck Reeve
Willowyck Raffle At Dragosdawn
Willowyck Poacher
Willowyck Puma
FTCh Rockingstone Hope of Leadburn
Scaur Water Sensation
Highrise Havoc
Macqueston Major
Dabton Duke
Rockingstone Joy
Sweetbit Sue
Belstane Bracken
Otterhole Ebony
Maqueston Molly
Viewpoint Volunteer
Auchenskeoch Piper
Jakoranda Feel The Moment
Jakoranda Fireman
Jakoranda Mango
Jakoranda Moment
Jakoranda Firelight
Jakoranda Millionaire
Jakoranda Mistletoe
FTCh Talsbrook Rhum of Boltonabbey
Talsbrook Orkney
Talsbrook Barra
Talsbrook Mul Of Butebrae
Talsbrook Rona
Talsbrook Coll
Talsbrook Kilda
Talsbrook Arran Of Allowaywell
Talsbrook Skye
Delfleet Treasure
Delfleet Tramp
Delfleet Twister
Delfleet Echelon
Delfleet Emerald
Delfleet Emma
Delfleet Emperor
Delfleet Empress
Delfleet Spring Tide
FTW Delfleet Trendy of Noiroche
Delfleet Eve
Delfleet Teasel
Delfleet Toffee
Delfleet Tussle
Delfleet Eclipse
Delfleet Estuary
Delfleet Treacle
Delfleet Truffle
Delfleet Tilly of Horningsham
Leadburn Mabel
FTAW Leadburn Molly of Lowtrey (12.5 years)
Leadburn Macrae
FTW Leadburn Hebe
Leadburn Macdonald Of Mosslana
Leadburn Hamish (9.5 years)
Leadburn Holly Of Flintnaphill
Leadburn Hope
Leadburn Hermione
FTW Leadburn Hazel
Leadburn Honesty
FTW Leadburn Hector Of Breckonmuir
Leadburn Albion Harry of Brackenfarg
Leadburn Herman
Leadburn Matilda
Leadburn May Of Autumnwillow
Leadburn Ozzy Of Ragmere
FTCh Leadburn Mist
FTAW Leadburn Maria
FTCh Hillus Clyde
Hillus Beauly
Hillus Esk Of Delesk
Hillus Tweed Of Fernshot
Hillus Urn
Hillus Tay
FTCh Bracken of Berrybrae
Salisbury Sweetheart
Bad A'ghaill Bonanza
Beannacharain Blizzard
FTW Berryhill Bonnie of Stockiemuir
FTCh Broadlaw Eva
Broadlaw Elle
Broadlaw Easter
Broadlaw Edith
Broadlaw Elm
Broadlaw Erika
Broadlaw Ewan
Broadlaw Ezra
FTCh Broadlaw Elder of Laggengill
FTW Leadburn Tango
Leadburn Tasha
Leadburn Trudy
Leadburn Tina of Edenville
Leadburn Twigie of Venician
Leadburn Tosh of Strabathie
Leadburn Tyne
Leadburn Trouble of Corleone
GB FTCh Rod Wallace of Leadburn
Dariusz Adamczuk
FTW Bengrave Michael Mols
Juno Murray of Haggisbank
Jenny Gray of Countryways
Van Bronckhorst at Ernevale
Allan Johnston af Robbers'den
FTCh Rockingstone Hope of Leadburn
Scaur Water Sensation
Highrise Havoc
Macqueston Major
Dabton Duke
Rockingstone Joy
Sweetbit Sue
Belstane Bracken
Otterhole Ebony
Maqueston Molly
Viewpoint Volunteer
Auchenskeoch Piper

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