
Golden Retriever

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Emery's On London Time At Poeticgold CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Emery's On London Time At Poeticgold CGC
CH Emery’s Bad Heir Day
Emery's The Crown
CH Emery's Finest Hour JH BCAT
BISS GCH Emery's Star Baker
Charmant Cake-A-Licious
Am GCH Osprey's On Angels' Wings OS
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS
CH Venture What Becomes A Legend
Osprey's Champagne On Ice THDA, CCA CGC
CH Emery Icing On The Cake At Charmant
Emery Ocean Palace Let Them Eat Cake
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS
Hytree's May Bee A Classic
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo
Hytree's Quick As A Wink
Hytree's Just Maybe
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX
GCH CH Emery's Alice In Wonderland OD
CH Emery Touchgold In Your Dreams
BIS BISS GCH Emery's In The Midnight Hour SDHF
CH Emery's Power Of Intention
CH Emery's In It To Win It CGC OD
GCHS Emery's Rose All Day
GCHS Summits Fireline Medal Of Honor SDHF OS
CH Summits Crimson And Clover
MBISS AmGChB\Can Ch Summits Golden Slam Princess TKA; CGC; DJ; BCAT;CCA
Summit Hill Crest High Society
CH Summits Fireline Public Outcry OS
BIS GCHS CH Summit's Don'T Cry Over Spilled Milk OD SDHF
GCHB CH Summit's Laugh Until You Cry
Ch. Summit's For Crying Out Loud
CH Summits Cry At The Drop of A Hat
Am/Can CH Sombra's Just My Style
GCHB Emery's Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Emery's Tree Ring Circus
CH Emery's Tree's A Crowd BCAT
Am-Can CH. Hyline's Branch Of The Tree SDHF, BISS,CGC
Hyline Ambassador of Good Will
CH Emery's Nevada State Line OD
Emery Ruff Around the Edges
Emery's Silver Lined THDD CGC
Emery's Hook Line And Sinker
Emery's God Paints Outside the Lines
Emery's Pick Up Line
Emery's Line Of Scrimmage
Emery Friday Go To The Front of the Line
GCH CH Emery Enchanted's Coloring Outside The Lines
BISS GCH Emery's Walk The Line At Cinamon Bay DN
GCHB CH Emery's Talk That Talk

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