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Chadwick's Legal Banks of Tramin

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Chadwick's Legal Banks of Tramin
Tramin Legal Desing
Tramin Lampochka
Tramin Landlord
Tramin Lemonade
Tramin Luk’yanivka
tramin Lastochka
Tramin Lego Ninjago
Tramin Lego Ninjagc
JCH UA, JCH MD, JGrCH UA , JGrCH MD, CH MD, CrCH MD, CH UA Guardian of Dreams Ola de Oro
Galaxy Ola de Oro
Gabrielle Ola de Oro for Ardorgold
5xCh UA, BBB Furor von Osten Herz
Filichita von Osten Herz
Flaviya Von Osten Herz
Iventa iz Verhney Khortitsi
Tramin La Vita E Bella
Tramin Lion Heart
Tramin Lemonade Joe
Tramin Lazurit
IntCh, GrChBul, ChBul, Mak, Bal Tramin Let It Be
GrCH Mol, 3xCH Ua, CH Mol, GEO, BIR, CG, RUS, BG Tramin Lovestory JCHUa
CanCH ChUa ChRu Tramin Luka One Way
Painted Lady v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Adonis Blue van de Beerse Hoeve
Purple Emperor v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Tramin Tamfanae
Tramin Tristan
Tramin Tango
Tramin The Moon And The Sky
Tramin Trinity
Tramin Toscana
Tramin Till I Come
Jr. CH Tramin Tolika
Tramin The Mystic Queen
JCH, JBOB Tramin Te Fiti
Tramin Terminus
Ch Tramin Thermal Energy
JRCH UA Tramin Talamasca
Tramin The Power of Now
Tramin Teostra
Tramin Tropical Rhythm
Tramin Trick or Treat
Ned. CH. Obsidian of the Morning Valley VDH.Jr.Ch. , DTS.VDH. CH., Luxemburg Jr.Ch. ,DTS. Ch.club., Herbst Jugend Sieger,Dutch Ch.
Jun.Ch Emerald Lane of the Morning Valley
Moonstone Of The Morning Valley
Sapphire of the Morning Valley
Blue Topaz Of The Morning Valley
Rus Pekos Varyusha for Tramin
CH Russia Rus Pekos Vasilisa
Rus Pekos Vasko
Tramin Meant to be Together
Tramin Moonbeam
Tramin Magic Merlin
Tramin Meadow Sunrise
Tramin Mobius
ChCh Moldova Tramin Marylin
C.I.B. Tramin Sarmat
Tramin Solringen
Tramin Star's Blossom
Tramin Salamandra
Tramin Supreme Love
Tramin Sowelu
Tramin Still In Love
Lily Alexandra
Ch Bul Lizzy XXII

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