
Golden Retriever

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Endeavors Oooh La Karmelatte

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Endeavors Oooh La Karmelatte
Endeavors Quincy D
Asbury's Teddy
Beehives Golden Oak of Liberty
CH Endeavors Catchin Big Air
GCH Endeavors Mogul Monster (10 years)
Endeavors Benelli III
AM CH Karleigh's Crimson N Clover BOSS (13.5 years)
Endeavors Fresh Spring Water CCA
Endeavors Wish Come True (7.5 years)
Endeavors Make-A-Wish Molly RE
Endeavors Bel Fiore De Paratore (11.5 years)
Chantelle Sumthing 2 Talk About
Can. Ch. Chantelle Let Them Eat Cake BISS, BOSS
Chantelle Semper Bravo Fidelis CDX, BN, RAE, THD, CGC, CCA (10.5 years)
Chantelle Whispers Softly Psalm 55
CH. Chantelle It's Five O'Clock Somewhere CCA (6 years)
Chantelle Miel Dore TDI
GCHG MBISS Chantelle Barefoot In The Park RN CGCA TKI BISS SDHF (11.5 years)
Chantelle Let Your Colors Burst CCA (7.5 years)
Chantelle Trailblazer CDX, BN, RM, NAP, CCA, THDN, CGCA
Am./Can. CH. Chantelle On Your Mark CGC OS (12 years)
Chantelle Take Aim at Medallion (10 years)
Sunbeam Chantelle W'Eight Until Dark TDI (10.5 years)
Sunbeam New York Steight Of Mind
Endeavors Melting Pot
Am CH Krishna-Crystal Glen Hell Of A Dream BN RA
GCH CH Krishna's Dream For The Hell Of It OD
AmGCH CH/Can CH Crystal Glens Hell Freezes Over RE OS SDHF
Desertheir's Cold Day In Hell
Krishna Ruffles Have Ridges CCA, OD
Endeavors Goin Solo
Endeavors Princess Tiki Bear
Endeavors Cool Hand Luke
Endeavors Sotto Voce CD RA CCA (12.5 years)

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