
Golden Retriever

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Hillyard Lone Ranger

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Hillyard Lone Ranger (AKC SR96839108)
Gemma XI (AKC SR96839101)
Buster Brown Heath (AKC SR90317905 (4-17))
Maximus The Great Of Peach Valley (AKC SR81978303 (7-15))
Ceasar Of Beaulahland (AKC SR61386507 (10-11))
Choate's Dutchess (AKC SR72386107 (6-13))
Choate's Deedee (AKC SR72386106 (6-13))
Boone's Honey Bun (AKC SR54704301 (3-11))
Callie Angel Of Peach Valley (AKC SR73403901 (1-14))
Sir Bailey Reid (AKC SR63091207 (10-12))
Lady Molly Reid (AKC SR64571611 (10-12))
Lilly Trixy Heath (AKC SR86144810 (9-16))
Max O'Reilly (AKC SR75282305 (5-15))
Sir Tucker Goldbar (AKC SR29278008 (10-10))
Jazzmine Dot (AKC SR56688909 (2-13))
Deboers Miss Mackenshire (AKC SR74666004 (5-15))
Grizzley Shugarbear Hatch (AKC SR53187006 (1-13))
Harvey's Daisy Mae (AKC SR63471002 (1-13))
Wb's Golden Sunrise Searra (AKC SR63471006)

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