Tramin Landlord Tramin Lampochka Tramin Lemonade Tramin Luk’yanivka tramin Lastochka Tramin Legal Desing Tramin Lego Ninjago Tramin Lego Ninjagc | JCH UA, JCH MD, JGrCH UA , JGrCH MD, CH MD, CrCH MD, CH UA Guardian of Dreams Ola de Oro Galaxy Ola de Oro Gabrielle Ola de Oro for Ardorgold | 5xCh UA, BBB Furor von Osten Herz Filichita von Osten Herz Flaviya Von Osten Herz CH UA FLIRT MY LIFE VON OSTEN HERZ FLAVIA VON OSTEN HERZ | MultCh, ChUA, ChMOL, ChBYE, ChRUS, JChUa Big Boss of the Famous Family CIE. Ch. Best Wishes of the Famous Family Belissima of the Famous Family HJCH Born Wild of the Famous Family Int.Ch.HRCh.RoCh.SKCh.HCh.HSCh.HJCh.Lux.JCh. Burning Hot of The Famous Family (10.5 years) JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family JunChRus, ChRus, JunChNkp, ChNkp, ChRKF Ballerina of the Famous Family | CH UA Victoria's Secret Velocity of the Wind MULTICH, ChUA, RU, MAC,MOL,BBB Victoria's Secret Valse of White Angel GRCHMOL,MAC,UA ChUA VICTORIA'S SECRET VENTUROSA VICTORIA'S SECRET VIGOROSA NOBLE IntShCh,Int&MltCh,SupGrChUa,GrChUa(x3),Mol,Rus Victoria's Secret Vanilla Sky Ua/Rus/Bye/Bul/Mol/Bal/RKF CH,AllUa win'09, JChUa ChUa, Bye, Rus, Mol Victoria's Secret Vanquisher of Hearts IntCh, MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, Bul, Rom, Rus, Mol, Bye Victoria's Secret Valiancy in Me |
| Iventa iz Verhney Khortitsi | JchUa, ChUa, BBB Avalansh Zolotaya Khortitsa JCh Ua, Ch Ua Infinite Sensation Zolotaya Khortitsa Adel' Zolotaya Khortitsa Impossible Beauty Zolotaya Khortitsa Irish Cream Zolotaya Khortitsa JCH UA, JGRCH UA, CH UA, CH ML, GRCH ML , BBB Igniting Baby Zolotaya Khortitsa Infiniti Sensation Zolotaya Khortitsa CW Aksyton Zolotaya Khortitsa C.I.B, C.I.E, MultCh, JChUa, Rus, ChUa, Rus Aktavian Zolotaya Khortitsa | Binifika Zolotaya Khortitsa CH UKR Brilliantovaya Ledi Zolotaya Khortitsa (12 years) JCH UKR,JGRCH UA,JCH BLR,CH UA BOGINYA SNEZHNAYA ZOLOTAYA KHORTITSA (10 years) BOGEMIYA ZOLOTAYA KHORTITSA BARTOLOM'YU ZOLOTAYA KHORTITSA JunCH UA, JunGrandChUa, CH UA Bellicose Zolotaya Khortitsa (13.5 years) |
| Tramin La Vita E Bella Tramin Lion Heart Tramin Lemonade Joe Tramin Lazurit | IntCh, GrChBul, ChBul, Mak, Bal Tramin Let It Be GrCH Mol, 3xCH Ua, CH Mol, GEO, BIR, CG, RUS, BG Tramin Lovestory JCHUa TRAMIN LIGHT FLASH TRAMIN LAYON HEART RICHARD CanCH ChUa ChRu Tramin Luka One Way | Guess Folke Filbyter | ChUa, Rus, Mol, Pol, Bul, Rom, Ser & Cher TRAMIN CHERRY MUSIC All-Ukrainian Winner'05 (8.5 years) TRAMIN CASANOVA TRAMIN CLASSIC SOUND TRAMIN CHARMING MELODY Tramin Captain America MultCh,GrChUa,Mol,Bul,ChUa,Bye,Mol,Bul,Mak,Bal TRAMIN CHOICE OF GODS JChMol GrChUa, ChUa, ChPl TRAMIN CASABLANKA ChBel,Rus,Ua,JChRus,Bel TRAMIN CALYPSO BLAZE OF GLORY (9.5 years) |
| Painted Lady v.d. Beerse Hoeve Adonis Blue van de Beerse Hoeve Purple Emperor v.d. Beerse Hoeve (11 years) | Dutch Ch, Dutch, Lux-, German Junior Champion Sultan Of Sand v.d. Beerse Hoeve JW A'dam 07,Bundesjgdsieger 07,Clubjgdsieger 07 Sand Painting v.d. Beerse Hoeve Sand Festival v.d. Beerse Hoeve Int'l CH Etched In Sand V.D. Beerse Hoeve (10.5 years) SandBlaster v.d. Beerse Hoeve (12 years) Balt & Est & Ltu & Lv JCh Sandman Van De Beerse Hoeve | Int Sh.CH,Dutch Ch, Lux Ch, German Ch, VDH Ch Lollapalooza v.d. Beerse Hoeve Europasiegerin '10, Lux. Junior Ch. One Sixty Blue v.d. Beerse Hoeve |