
Golden Retriever

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Nw Mountain's I'M So Fly I'll Neverland

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Nw Mountain's I'M So Fly I'll Neverland (AKC SS38329901)
Int/NatJR CH Bear State's Love-Struck in Verona (AKC SS38329904)
GCH. Truestar's Mr. Incredible BISS BPIS BBBE (AKC SS07818901)
Truestar's Know By Heart POA (AKC SS10725509)
Truestars Stitchin To Remember Lilo (AKC SS10725508)
Ch Truestar's Perfect Timing @ Mtn. View POA (AKC SS07818902)
Truestar-Crossbow's Shenanigans N' Malarkey! (AKC SS10725501)
TrueStar's A Trip Down Memory Lane CGCA CGCU BN RN SCN SBA (AKC SS10725502)
GCH CH Shyan's Blu Christmas OS (AKC SR76260302)
Shyan's Kanon All I Want for Christmas (AKC SR7620307)
BISS Am. GCHB. CH., UKC CH. Shyan's Here Comes Santa C Laws (AKC SR76260303)
AmCH Shyan's Jingle Bell Rock (AKC SR76260301)
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS (AKC SR45585501)
CH Venture What Becomes A Legend (AKC SR45585503)
CH. Shyan's Double Trouble OD (AKC SR49285201)
Shyan Windrift Look Look Look (AKC SR40325303)
CH. Shyan's Take A Long Long Look OS (AKC SR40325302)
Shyan's Look'N Hot (AKC SR40325301)
Shyan 'N' Sorrento's Double the Fun (AKC SR49285203)
Shyan Sunshine's Look Who's Zoomin' (AKC SR40325304)
Shyan Sunshine's Double Decker (AKC SR49285204)
Int/NatJR Ch. Mtn. View's This Girl Is On Fire OD (AKC SR79947001)
Mtn. View's Rock N Roll Remington (AKC SR77463107)
Am Ch. HnrCH. Nat'l Ch. Int'l Ch. NatlBa Ch. Mtn View's What's The Rush CGC (AKC SR77463105)
Mtn. View's Tazer
GCH CH Goodtime's Star Attraction OS (AKC SR61179002)
GCH Goodtime's Star Chaser (AKC SR61179003)
Goodtime's Shining Star (AKC SR61179001)
Int/Nat/Ehren Ch. Woodcreek's Viva Las Vegas RN CGC (AKC SR31690705)
Woodcreek's Lady of Jackson Hole (AKC SR31690704)
White's Sage (AKC SS19364508)
Abraham Friend Of God (AKC SR94195401)
Hfr's Yippee Ti Yi Yo Lil Doggie (AKC SR60283403 (9-13))
Ella Kathleen Of South Hil (AKC SR76653206)
Digger Of Triple C (AKC SR69266201 (11-16))
Faith in Action (AKC SS06232803)
King Duke Chinook (AKC SR87831409)
Sj Golden Bolt (AKC SR87831408)
Daisy Duke Chinook (AKC SR88766705)

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