
Golden Retriever

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King City’s ms Emma

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

King City’s ms Emma
Leo In Stellar Way
Albert's Prince Baxter
Cooper Jack Manning
Zoes De Champernoune Xanthos Moondust Gracie Girl
Mia Ann Conrad's Corner
IABCA Nat CH Heartland's Prince Caspian
Polar Miller
Sophie's Haven Frigid Alaska
Crockett Jaxs Holt
Ridgetop Natalie
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Serinity
Lil Bit-O-Goldens Chopper
Hulfachor's First Snow
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Moses Thomas
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Morning Star
Lil Angus' Top Secret Ruger
Cassidy Anne Manning
Sir Clancy VII
Gin Han
Lady Sea Salt Sophia
Valley Views Touch of Golden Cream
Big Prince Of Poor Mountain
Kylie's Bright Morning Star
St. Patrick's Mayan Treasure CGC (13.5 years)
Moses Crandall Cleghorn
Kimberly Heights Jasmine
Thistledown Farm's Violets Are Blue
K&H's Cashmere Calli Of Spring Grove
Kh's Saber Sherman
Great Lakes' Daisy May
Stoney Ridge's Miss Hands Of Time
Gold Standard Kodiak Moment
Goldenrush in your heart
Goldenrush Ideal Gentleman
Goldenrush Imperator
Goldenrush Italia
Goldenrush Inside Dreams
Goldenrush Impressive Lady
LTJCh,LT LV EST BALT Ch Majik Red Rhum
Majik Roses And Lollipops
DKCH(U), SEU(U)CH, LTCH Sunny Delight's Last Cover Up
C.I.E., DKCH(U), LT CH, SEU(U)CH Sunny Delight's Leave For Cover
Majik Una Donna Di Cuore
JChRussia, JCh Club , ChRussia, Club Ch,ChRKF, Ch Uslada Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Jun.Ch.Rus,JCh NRC,Ch.Rus,Ch NRC Uteha iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Utrennyaya Zvezda Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Jun.Ch.Rus,Ch.Rus Unika Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Uglich iz sokolinogo gnezda
Uliana iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
VDH-Junior Champion Utrish iz Sokolinogo Gnezda Herbst-Jugend Sieger 2013/ Fruhjarssieger 2014/ Sieger Meisdorf 2017.
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (12.5 years)
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B
WW'13, INT CH, RUS/EE CH Cheremuha iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
CH KAZ Charodey iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
RUS CH EST LVA LTU JCH BALT JCH Cherchil Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Cheri Sladkaya Yagodka Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Tsertsel iz Sokolinogo Gnezda

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