
Golden Retriever

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Wysiwyg LetsBlend ThNiteTgethr

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wysiwyg LetsBlend ThNiteTgethr (AVA 0:0)
Aust Ch. Wysiwyg Black To Square One (AVA 0:0)
Wysiwyg Orange is the New Black (AVA 0:0)
Multi BIS Sup Ch Wysiwyg Not a Moment Too Moon (AVA 0:0)
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Moondance (0:0)
Wysiwyg Super Blue Blood Moon
AmCH CanGCH Aust. Sup. Ch. Nautilus Great Barrier Reef @ Online JH (0/0)
Am Ch Sg Ch Nautilus Alexander The Great (OFA GR-EL40136M24-VPI)
CH Nautilus Frozen (OFA GR-EL45265F24-VPI)
BBIS.RBIS.Th.Ch. Nautilus Great Expectations
CH Nautilus Always Dreamingof Snow DN OD (OFA GR-EL45264F24-VPI)
Ch. Nautilus Westben Wonder Woman (OFA GR-EL40892F27-VPI)
GCH CH Nautilus Betcha By Golly Wow II (OFA GR-EL40010F24-VPI)
BISS CH Nautilus How Great Thou Art
Aust Ch. Wysiwyg First Time In Forever (0/0)
Wysiwyg First Avenger
Wysiwyg Who's On First (0/0)
Wysiwyg First Add Some Spice
Aust Ch. Topgeer Retail Therapy (0:0)
Topgeer Cheaper Than Therapy (AVA 0:0)
AmCH CanGCH Aust. Sup. Ch. Nautilus Great Barrier Reef @ Online JH (0/0)
Am Ch Sg Ch Nautilus Alexander The Great (OFA GR-EL40136M24-VPI)
CH Nautilus Frozen (OFA GR-EL45265F24-VPI)
BBIS.RBIS.Th.Ch. Nautilus Great Expectations
CH Nautilus Always Dreamingof Snow DN OD (OFA GR-EL45264F24-VPI)
Ch. Nautilus Westben Wonder Woman (OFA GR-EL40892F27-VPI)
GCH CH Nautilus Betcha By Golly Wow II (OFA GR-EL40010F24-VPI)
BISS CH Nautilus How Great Thou Art
Topgeer I Need A Hammer (0:0)
Aust Ch Asuare Ever So Romantic (AVA 0:0)
Mne J Ch / Ser J Ch Golden Romance Dutch Storm (0:0)
CH Ser/JrCh Ser Golden Romance D-Star (0)
Int Ch Golden Romance D-Royal (OFA GR-EL37015M25-VPI)
Golden Romance Dutch No.1
Golden Romance D-Light
Golden Romance D-Connection (OFA GR-EL38400M32-PI)
Golden Romance D-Ruller CGC
Golden Romance D-Explorer
Bg.Ch. IntSR/NatSR CH Golden Romance D-Sensation
Golden Romance D-Love (OFA Prelim Normal)
Golden Romance Sea Hawk
Int Sh Ch, Dutch / Danish / German/ VDH Champion Noah of the Hellacious Acres Ejgs'12, NJK, DJK, VHD (ED 0/0)
Dt. Vet.Ch. Club (GRC) Niatross of the Hellacious Acres
Int. CH Ser.JCh. Mac.JCh. Ser.Ch. Mne.Ch. Mol.Ch. Golden Romance Star Light (0)
Golden Romance Star Knight
Ser.Ch. Mne.Ch.Ser.JCh. Mac.JCh. Golden Romance Star Blaze (0)
Int.Ch.Ser.JCh. Mac.JCh.Ser.Ch.Mne.Ch. Golden Romance Star Lady (0)
Golden Romance Star Dust
Golden Romance Star Wave (0)
Golden Romance Star Angel
Golden Romance Star Tracer
Golden Romance Star Striker
Aust Ch Kaparla Give and Take (AVA 0:0)
MBIS/MRUBIS Supreme Ch Kaparla Game Plan (AVA 0:2)
Kaparla Mission Impossible (0/0)
Aust Ch Kaparla Take Your Time (AVA 0:0)

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