
Golden Retriever

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CH Esquire's Casino Royale

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CH Esquire's Casino Royale
Esquire's The Great Race (AKC SS15326805)
Esquire's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (AKC SS15326806)
BIS, MRBIS, BISS, GCHP CH SweetGold Double Down RN OS SDHF MBISS (AKC SR74723901)
SweetGold Double Trouble (AKC SR74723902)
BISS Am Can CH CastleRock Let It Be Am Can OS (CKC XC350551)
BPIS Can. Ch. CastleRock Maybe I'm Amazed
BIS BISS CAN GCH AM GCHS Castlerock Come Together SDHF (AKC SR64007701)
BISS AM CH Sunbeam's Private Party OS (AKC SN82466901 (8/02))
Sunbeam's Private Dancer
Sunbeam Private Eye Elliot Ness RN (AKC SN82466904)
Sunbeam Private Reserve (AKC SN82466906)
BPIS, BPISS Can CH Justmoor Something About Mary Can. OD (CKC NU904916)
Justmoor It's All About Me
Justmoor Deja Vu Whatabout Bob (AKC SR15747601)
CH SweetGold Mirage (AKC SR409176/02)
SweetGold's Savanna (AKC SR409176/03)
SweetGold Sahara (AKC SR409176/01)
GCH CH, Can CH SweetGold Safari (AKC SR40917604)
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS (AKC SN80494801 (6/01))
Am./Can. CH. SweetGold's Winners Circle (AKC SN87978801)
UKC CH SweetGold's Winning Smile CGC (AKC SN879788/02)
SweetGold's Favored To Win (AKC SN87978804)
SweetGold's Win of My Heart (AKC SN879788/03)
Esquire's Game Of Bones (AKC SR97027301)
Esquire's Westeros (AKC SR97027303)
Esquire's Tanner Of The House Grrratheon (AKC SR97027302)
MBISS GCHS Sandpiper's Pursuit Of Happiness SDHF, OS, BISS (AKC SR693054/03)
CH Sandpiper's Yankee Doodle Dandy (AKC SR69305402)
CH Sandpiper's Bright Stripes N Bright Stars WC (AKC SR693054/07)
BISS BIS GCHP Sandpiper's Let Freedom Ring SDHF OS (AKC SR69305401)
CH Sandpiper's Song of Freedom RN (AKC SR69305406)
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS (AKC SR086315/01)
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run (AKC SR08631503)
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream (AKC SR08631506)
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show (AKC SR08631502)
BISS CH Avalor Sandpiper Tickled Pink OD SDHF (AKC SR34377902)
Avalors Teal Or No Deal (AKC SR34377901)
Avalor's Pink Floyd (AKC SR34377905)
CH Avalor's Gold Digger (AKC SR34377906)
Avalors Silver Lining (AKC SR34377903)
MBOSS GCH CH 24kt Esquire's Double Secret Agent (AKC SR80098601)
24kt Double Up N' Double Down OD (AKC SR80098602)
Ch. Gracious Glds A Lover Not A Fighter (AKC SR41138909 (8-08))
Gracious Glds Love On The Rocks (AKC SR41138905 (11-09))
Gracious Gold's First Lady (AKC SR27525402 (8-09))
Gracious Glds Summit Hitman (AKC SR23075510)
Gracious Glds Loves to Rock (AKC SR41138901)
Am CH Gracious Glds Evening in Venice SDHF (AKC SR23075508 (6-08))
UKC CH. Gracious Derspinna's Luv2luv U! (AKC SR41138907 (5-09))
Gracious Glds Summit's Trieste (AKC SR23075507)
Am CH Gracious Glds Come Fly With Me RN JH NAP NJP VC (AKC SR230755/09)
CH. 24kt There's That Girl (AKC SR65055503)
MBISS GCH 24KT Wildwest Leather and Lace (AKC SR65055501)
24KT Yes Dear Get My Wallet (AKC SR65055502)
CH. 24KT From The Cover of G.Q. (AKC SR65055504)
24kt Crookstone Yes Dear Get My Wallet (AKC SR65055502 (8/19))

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