K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Flashmount Goldeneye

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Flashmount Goldeneye
Staindrop Turnstone (KC KCSB 4553CF)
FT CH Staindrop Lapwing (KC 3965CF)
FTCh Staindrop Kite (KC KCSB 4015CF)
Staindrop Bluetit of Tasco
Staindrop Stonechat Of Tasco
Staindrop Skylark
Staindrop Puffin Of Kawarika
Staindrop Pintail Of Glensue (KC KCSB 3493CE)
Staindrop Nightingale
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Theoweir Turramurra Teal (Other IKC R.43165)
Irl.Ft.Ch. Turramurra Woody (AKC SN18402801)
Irl FTCh Ballyellery Adder (IKC P1834)
Ballyellery Damsel (Other IKC R00104)
Ir.FTCh Towerline Swift (Other IKC N99453)
GB.Ft.Ch. Tasco Thyme of Staindrop
Tasco Tweed
Tasco Tyne
Tasco Tell
Tasco Tom Of Holdgate
Tasco Tor
Tasco Twain Of Holbank
FTCh/IrlFTCh Leacross Rinkals (KC SB 0152BL)
FTCh Swift of Swinbrook (KC SB 0212BJ)
Chippinghurst Cindy
Sue Navara (KC SB0132BK)
UK FTCh Holdgate Bebe (KC SB 4576BV)
Holdgate April
UK FTCh Holdgate Winter (KC SB2309BU)
Holdgate June at Refflyns (KC KCSB 2305BU)
Holdgate Sparkle (KC SB)
Holdgate Vigor (KC SB3912BT,)
FTW Holdgate Vim Of Beadles
Holdgate Zal
Holdgate Jan
Holdgate May
Flashmount May (KC SB4531CH)
UK FTCh Fieldcrest Thorn (KC SB 4839BZ)
Fieldcrest Honeysuckle
Fieldcrest Foxglove
Styleside Stubble
Styleside Twine of Rasenfeld
Styleside Heather
Styleside Thistle (Other KCSB 3319BN)
Keythorpe Brindled Beauty of Fieldcrest
FTCh Flashmount Larch (Other KCSB 6184BX)
Flashmount Holly
Flashmount Cherry
Flashmount Ash
Flashmount Beech
Flashmount Dawn
Flashmount Poplar
Flashmount Cedar
Flashmount Hazel
FTCh Millbuies Dust Lad (KC SB 2249BT)
Millbuies Firefly
FTW Flashmount Gypsy (Other KCSB 3542BT)

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