
Golden Retriever

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Parishline's American Dream

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Parishline's American Dream (AKC SS42570501)
CH Rhythm's Shake Your Moneymaker BISS (AKC SS11902801)
Rhythm's Making Angels Sing THDN DS TKN BCAT ACT1 ACT1J CGC BISS (AKC SS11902803)
Rhythm's Makin' Music At CaraMia (AKC SS11902802)
MBISS GCHB Can CH HRCH Malagold Wing-T We Can Work It Out MH WCX DDHF, Can. WC (AKC SR95359502)
Malagold Indigo Bunting CD BN NA NAJ BCAT CCA (AKC SR95359504)
Malagold Solitaire 8 Days A Week CDX MH ** CCA WCX (AKC SR95359503)
BISS GCH Can. CH HRCH Richwood Wing-T Workin' Like A Dog CD MH WCX*** OS DDHF VCX, Can. WCI (AKC SR76576401)
SHR Richwood Work Hard Play Harder CD JH WC (AKC SR76576402)
U-CH Richwood Works Like A Charm P-CDX BN RE MH MXG MJS XF WCX CGC,OD, CCA, VCX (AKC SR76576403)
BISS GCH Malagold's She's a Wild One CD RA AX AXJ CGC TDI (AKC SR63331901)
Malagold Not A Rotten Apple (AKC SR63331903)
AmCH Malagold's Rotten To The Core (AKC SR63331904)
CH Rhythm's All The Right Moves DJ (AKC SR96660501)
Rhythm's Moving Across The Border (AKC SR96660502)
MBISS Can BIS Am/Can GCH Brio Do The Locomotion MBISS Am/Can SDHF OS (AKC SR79805501)
CH Brio Backfield In Motion (AKC SR79805502)
Brio I Second That Emotion (AKC SR79805504)
CanGCH Brio Alohamotion WC CCA NTD NTD-M (AKC SR79805506)
CH Brio Causin' A Commotion (AKC SR79805503)
CH Rhythm's Flyin Under The Radar (AKC SR81787202)
Rhythm's Paid Under The Table THDX CGC (AKC SR81787204)
Rhythm's Under the Rainbow
Rhythm's Under Arrest at Lakewood (AKC SR81787203)
CH Parish Line's Tiktok Queen (AKC SS23836602)
CH Rhythm's Eat More Chikin DS (AKC SS18279101)
Am. GCHS. & Phil. Grand Ch. Scion Mr. Right For Cbear GRCA SDHF (AKC SR91730310)
Scion Irish You Luck (AKC SR91730311)
Am CH Scion Clean Sweep (AKC SR917303/01)
GCH. Tangleloft Take The Money N Run BISS OS (AKC SR80597704)
CH. Tangleloft Take That BISS (AKC SR 80597701)
CH Tangleloft Hostile Takeover (AKC SR80597705)
Tangleloft Take It Away (AKC SR 80597702)
Scion In Haute Water (AKC SR74103001)
CH Scion GoldRox Haute Streak (AKC SR74103002)
Am CH Scion Haute Couture at Trinity JH, OD (AKC SR74103003)
CH Rhythm's So Bee It RATCH CA CGC (AKC SR87960103)
CH Rhythm's Won't Ya Be My Baybee (AKC SR879601/02)
BISS GCH Highmark Already A Legend @ Kelston OS (AKC SR56002805)
Highmark's Original Vagabond CGC, THD, TDI (AKC SR56002804)
BISS GCH CAN CH Highmark's Sweet Sir Galahad CDX GO GN RE,MXP, AJP, JH WC VCX CCA CGC (AKC SR56002803)
Highmark's Diamonds And Rust (AKC SR56002806)
CH Lakewood's Gonna B A Rockstar JH CGC OD (AKC SR55752907)
Int. CH Lakewood's Lucky Lass at Gemini CGC (AKC SR72795111)
Lakewood's Lady of the Lake at Pendragon CD RE CGC (AKC SR64179707)
Lakewood Gemini's Rolling In Clover (AKC SR64179701)
Lakewood's April Showers Bring May Flowers RN JH

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