K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Qlove of Lucifers Delight

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Qlove of Lucifers Delight
Ch Gladlab Easy Guy
Gladlab Eye Catching
Gladlab Enzo
Gladlab Famous Tradition
Gladlab Eye For Eye
Int.Ch. Gladlab Chase My Charlie
Ch. Gladlab Could Be (A)
Gladlab China Town
GB Ch Carpenny Chevalier (BVA 3:4)
NZ CH Carpenny Chateau Cranspire (BVA 3:4)
Sudeo Carefree of Heatherbourne
Sudeo Craftsman Of Heatherbourne
Sudeo Surprise Surprise
Sudeo Saltana
Sudeo Serenata
Sudeo Coachman of Heatherbourne
Int.Ch Blondella Ball'Et
Blondella Ballerita (7/5)
GB Sh Ch Blondella Balalai'ka (BVA 10:6)
GB. Ch. Blondella Balance (BVA 4:3)
Blondella Ball'ad
UK CH Keysun Krispin of Blondella (BVA 10/5)
Keysun Keely
GB. Ch. Blondella Ballerina (4/5)
Andae Annalise Fantazi
Blondella Bally Hi
Blondella Ballet (1982) (BVA 2/2)
Blondella Bally Who (JW) (BVA 6/2 (ua 1988))
AmCH Barnaby Of Charway (OFA LR-27456F27M)
Bel. Ch. Viva of Tintagel Winds (B)
Verdict of Tintagel Winds (B)
CHIB Kupros Lucifer (A1)
UK Ch Kupros Lady's Pride
Kupros Lionheart
AmCH Kupros Live Spark CD
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
SE UCh, SE FT Ch. Pendil of Ballyduff (FCI ua)
AM Ch Swift of Ballyduff And Spenrock (OFA LR-96871)
C.C.W. Spark of Ballyduff
AmCH Martin Of Ballyduff (OFA LR-9371)
Steward of Ballyduff
Can.Ch. Spartan of Ballyduff
Ch Arkle of Ballyduff
C.C.W. Kupros My Lady
Kupros Marylla
Kupros Moonraker of Nokeener
Kupros Mr Magic
Kupros Marionette
Kupros Moonriver of Follytower
Kupros Marcia of Blondella (BVA 2/4)
Kupros Misty Maid
Follytower Silver Ballad (B)
Follytower Silk Braid Of Wardmark
Follytower Sweetbriar (OFA LR-22389)
Follytower Shortbread
AmCH Follytower Sabre
Follytower Stormbird
Ch. Sandylands Sovereign of Suddie (1)
Sandylands Sincerity of Suddie
Sandylands Solace at Linershwood
Sh. Ch. Sandylands Sparkle
Follytower Bandbox
Follytower Banner of Belstame
Follytower Broom
Follytower Bunty at Balnova (BVA 2:3)
Follytower Blythe C.C.W.

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