
Golden Retriever

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Jms Bryeridge Destiny Is All

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jms Bryeridge Destiny Is All
Jms I Bet You Think About Me
Jms No Guts, No Glory
Am CH, UKC CH Leongolden Big Secret in Life
Leongolden Love is in the air
Leongolden secret love of Romeo and Juliet
Leongolden secret love of my heart
Leongolden Texas Secret
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show
Gr.Ch. Golden Sunshine De JAZZ
Leongolden Cha Cha Cha
Leongolden Opera Italiana of Golden Sunshine
Leongolden Salsa Cubana OD
MULTI EU CH Leongolden Blues and Jazz
Leongolden Rumba Africana
BIS.CH.AM.CH.CAN.GRD.CH.BR.GRD.VENC.NACIONAL Br Golden Sunshine Mission Fatale
BR CH&GRCH, PAN CH&GRCH, GT CH, SV CH. INT.CH. Golden Sunshine Fatal Style BIS, BISS
BIS, BISS, BR.CH., BR.GR.CH. Golden Sunshine Parfum Fatale
BR.CH., BR.GR.CH. Golden Sunshine Beaute Fatale
Phil.CH , Th.CH , Br.CH , BR.GrCh , Pan.GrCh Golden Sunshine Fatal Premonition
BISS. CHBR. BR Golden Sunshine Fatal Power
Golden Sunshine AD Maite
Bryeridge Just Don'T Ask Me
Can Ch Bryeridge Goddess Of Nevani
UKC CH Colebrook Opk's Kodachromeo THD CGCA CGCU TKA TDI
Colebrooks Cloud Nine Martini At Moonlit Meadows
Colebrook Lost Freckles
Colebrook Get Your Shine On
Colebrook's Majestic Prince Charming
Honeybrook Cherish Of Colebrook
Colebrooks Perfect Design By Flirt
Gold-Rush Just Call Me Mr. Perfect
CanCH Snyder's HeezFurrst Out'A The Blocks
Gold-Rush I Can Only Imagine CD BN RN NJP TKN CGC
Colebrook's Caught Ya Look'N
Cedar Creek's Dave Doodle RN
Colebrook Where The Magic Begins
Bailey Maxmillon Anderson K Vaven
Colebrook Gunnar Hurricane Brandenburg
Colebrook- Lookaway's Gen Lee
Colbrook Deacon Blue
Colebrook's Parker Is Coming To The Rescue
Colebrook's Golden Eowyn
Colebrooks Smokin' Hot Southern Elle
U-CH Moonlit Meadow Don't Stop Believin CGCA CGCU TKA
IntCH NatCH Moonlit Meadows A Whale Of A Tale DJ
Moonlit Meadow The Future Is Everything
Mervar's Bryeridge Sweet Emotion CGC, TDI
Nystrom's Gracie in the Heights
Mervar's I'M In It For Love
Moonlit Meadows Return To Sender

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