
Golden Retriever

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Nevani's Bryeridge Gossip Girl

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Nevani's Bryeridge Gossip Girl (AKC SS39318907)
Nevani's Snitches Get Stitches RN CCA (AKC SS39318906)
GCH Navigator's Mister Big Stuff (AKC SR97765101)
Navigator's Dare to Dream Big (AKC SR97765102)
Navigator's The Skies The Limit Now CCA NW2 (AKC SR97765103)
CH Navigator Fawnridge Let's Twist Again (AKC SR93807201)
GCH Highlight N Cactus Kids It Takes 2 to Tango (AKC SR74072102)
MBISS BISOH GCHG Highlight N Cactus Kids Hot 2 Trot CAX TKN (AKC SR74072101)
Highlight N Cactus Kids Lord of the Dance @Hemlock (AKC SR74072103)
Highlight's The Devil Wears Prada At Belquest (AKC SR77827101)
MACH C-ATCH3 Highlight N Cactus Kids Boogiewoogie MXB MJB MXF T2B CAX2 DCAT CGC TKI ADHF RATN ChST ChJU ChSN ChCL ChFH ChJP ChWC (AKC SR74072106)
Am GCH CH Hillock Honeybear's Purple Pizzazz SDHF OS (AKC SR30499901)
Am CH Honeybear's This One's 4 You (AKC SR20790801)
Hillock's Favorite Survivor (AKC SR20790802)
CH Hillock's All-Star Survivor OD (AKC SR20790803)
Honeybear Devil In A Blue Dress (AKC SR30499904)
CH Honeybear Red October Atsinjin RN (AKC SR30499903)
Honeybear Lexicon Runabout TDX (AKC SR 20790804)
GCH Highlight's CoCo Chanel OD (AKC SR46017001)
CH Highlight's Online Xerox Copy (AKC SR41653901)
BISS GCHS Highlight's A Million Comments OD SDHF (AKC SR36836301)
CH Highlight's Sophia
CH Navigator's All that Jazz (AKC SR73237101)
Navigator's Premier Edition (AKC SR79352301)
Navigator's This Girl Is On Phiya (AKC SR79352302)
Navigator's Joseph's Golden Dream Come True (AKC SR79352309)
Am CH. Cloverdale Like A Heat Wave (AKC SR58362402)
Cloverdale Come Closer (AKC SR47409101)
Ch. Cloverdale Katmandu (AKC SR47409102)
AmGCH CH Cloverdale Malibu Moon (AKC SR68003602)
CH Twin-Beau-D's Smooth Navigator RE (AKC SR59921002)
Twin-Beau-D's Smooth Sailor (AKC SR59921009)
Twin-Beau-D's Smooth As Silk (AKC SR59921003)
Twin-Beau-D's Smooth Ride (AKC SR59921004)
Can Ch Bryeridge Goddess Of Nevani (AKC SS09901902)
Bryeridge Just Don'T Ask Me (AKC SS09901901)
UKC CH Colebrook Opk's Kodachromeo THD CGCA CGCU TKA TDI (AKC SR81361903 (10-15))
Colebrooks Cloud Nine Martini At Moonlit Meadows (AKC SR81361901 (3-16))
Colebrook Lost Freckles (AKC SR81361902)
Colebrook Get Your Shine On (AKC SR87097001)
Colebrook's Majestic Prince Charming (AKC SR95581805 (10-18))
Honeybrook Cherish Of Colebrook (AKC SR87097004)
Colebrooks Perfect Design By Flirt (AKC SR78354201)
Gold-Rush Just Call Me Mr. Perfect (AKC SR65833302 (12-12))
CanCH Snyder's HeezFurrst Out'A The Blocks (AKC SR65833301)
Gold-Rush I Can Only Imagine CD BN RN NJP TKN CGC (AKC SR73607001)
Colebrook's Caught Ya Look'N (AKC SR69670501 (10-13))
Cedar Creek's Dave Doodle RN (AKC SR75874505)
Colebrook Where The Magic Begins (AKC SR75874501 (11-15))
Bailey Maxmillon Anderson K Vaven (AKC SR69670505)
Colebrook Gunnar Hurricane Brandenburg (AKC SR69670507)
Colebrook- Lookaway's Gen Lee (AKC SR75874504)
Colbrook Deacon Blue (AKC SR75874506)
Colebrook's Parker Is Coming To The Rescue (AKC SR75874503)
Colebrook's Golden Eowyn (AKC SR69670503)
Colebrooks Smokin' Hot Southern Elle (AKC SR69670502)
U-CH Moonlit Meadow Don't Stop Believin CGCA CGCU TKA (AKC SR85799501)
IntCH NatCH Moonlit Meadows A Whale Of A Tale DJ (AKC SR96680601)
Moonlit Meadow The Future Is Everything (AKC SR96680603)
Mervar's Bryeridge Sweet Emotion CGC, TDI (AKC SR31871901 (12-08))
Nystrom's Gracie in the Heights
Mervar's I'M In It For Love (AKC SR49533802)
Moonlit Meadows Return To Sender (AKC SR74646107 (9-14))

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