
Golden Retriever

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Tufanny Fowler's Land CGCA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tufanny Fowler's Land CGCA (OFA GR-143676G24F-P-VPI)
IntCH, UCH Tesla Fowler's Land SWN SBA
Non-Stop Watt (FCI B)
Ch Non-Stop Woodrow Wilson of Chrisri (FCI B)
Non-Stop Winchester
Non-Stop Wednesday (AVA 7:7)
Non-Stop W. Churchil
Non-Stop White Wedding
Non-Stop Wonder Why
Ch Sequins Smoothie (A)
Sequins Slider (FCI A)
CH Morgan Freeman Anarchia Box (FCI A)
Marlon Brando Anarchia Box
JCH CH Marilyn Monroe Anarchia Box (FCI B)
Marcello Mastroiani Anarchia Box
Marco Polo Anarchia Box
Milky Chance Anarchia Box
Mary Jane Anarchia Box
Meryl Streep Anarchia Box
Mia Farrow Anarchia Box (FCI B)
Milky Way Anarchia Box
Sequins Sabe (A/A)
Sequins Sache
Non-Stop Renée (FCI A)
French JCh / Ch. Non-Stop Roger Moore (FCI A/B)
Non-Stop Rum Diary
Non-Stop Rolls Royce (FCI A1/A1)
Non-Stop Ray-Ban
Non-Stop Rock & Roll
Non-Stop Royal Flash
Non-Stop Rome Wasn't Built in a Day CAC (A/B)
SE/NO/DK CH Dainty's Man With A Mission (FCI B)
Isadorable v.d. Beerse Hoeve (A0)
Int Ch, jch BIH, Ch MK Ch Srb, Ch Bih Golden Romance Serendipity (FCI Hd A)
IntCh ChBiH ChFBIH ChSer ChMKD Club Winner '23. CW'24.JChSer Nalimana Stole The Show (A/A)
Ser.JCh. Nalimana She is Like The Wind (FCI B)
JCh Srb Nalimana Star In My Heart (HD-A)
Int.Sh.Ch.Bg.Ch.Cyp.Ch.Ser.Ch.Hr.Ch.BiHCh. Afrodite Winner, BIS Equator Szczesliwy Slon JBIS RBIS Ser.JCh.Hu.JCh. (FCI A)
Ch.Pl E. PIANISSIMA Szczesliwy Slon (HDA)
JCHSer,ChSer, CHBIH Club Winner 2013 BISS Magic Mandoline (FCI A/B)
Ch Ser Magic Monsoon (A)
ChSer JchSer BISS CLUB WINNER '12.'14 Magic Masterpiece (FCI A/A 3.9.2020.)
Magic Pasha
Magic Mediterranean
Magic Mystery
Ch Ser Magic Melody (A)
MultiCH, SrbGCH, BrgJCH Magic Mermaid Of Shadymist (FCI HD:A/B)
SrbCH. SrbJCH Magic Minuet (FCI B)
Ch Ser Magic Moonlight (A/A)
Mne.Ch. San Marino Ch. BG Ch. Ramchaine Double Delicious Ser.JCh. (FCI A1)
Serb.Ch. MkCh. Sm.Ch. MD Ch. Az Ch. Me.Ch Ramchaine Fan Dabby Dozy (BVA 2/3)
Ramchaine Bootylicious (A/A)
Ramchaine Bubbalicious At Linchael (33:34)
Ramchaine Fabulicious (6:6)
Jun.Ch.Rus,NKP,Ch.Rus, 3 NKP, RKF, Grand Ch Ramchaine Fantissimo (HD-A)
International, Dutch, Swedish, Danish,German, VDH Champion Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres NJK, DJK, W?13 (A)
Elgar of the Hellacious Acres
Sonata of the Hellacious Acres
Can Ch Sibelius Of The Hellacious Acres (BVA 0.16875)
DT.JGD.(VDH)-CH, Dt. Ch. (VDH), Dt. Ch. (Club), P Haydn of the Hellacious Acres (A2/B2)
Brahms Of The Hellacious Acres (OFA GR-106482E32M-VPI)
UK Sh Ch, Int.Sh Ch & Dutch, Danish, German , Luxembourg , & VDH CH Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine UKJW , NJK, DJK, (A)
Velvenya Valentine
Velvenya Vantage
Velvenya Vibe
Velvenya Vivacious
Velvenya Vivid Of Milltimber (6:3)
Velvenya Vodka

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