
Golden Retriever

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Riera Aspire To Inspire

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Riera Aspire To Inspire
Riera Authenticity Breeds Success
Riera Always Be Looking Forward
Riera All We Need Is Love
RusCH, RKF CH, JunRusCH Golden Supreme Times Square (0)
UK Sh Ch, Multi BISS BIS, CIE,CIB, NL/FR/PO/BE/SPA/LUX/GBZ/SW SHOW/SW BEAUTY CH, SPA/BE/GBZ JCH Maybe Forever The One And Only. Trialer (BVA 0-0)
BISS RBISJunior Multi Ch&W. (INT CH, SPA/GBZ/LUX/PT CH, GBZ/PT JCH) Maybe Forever Only Time (BVA 0-0)
Maybe Forever Only Trust Your Heart (BVA 0-0)
Maybe Forever Somewhere Only We Know
DKCH(J) Crack Of Dawn A Lovely Surprise (0:0)
Golden Supreme Face Off
Golden Supreme Flip and Turn (0/0)
Deutscher JCH, Schw.JCH, Jugendsieger Kurpfalz, Alpenjugendsieger Golden Supreme Fairy Dust (0/0)
Eng Sh Ch Haydengold Keepa Secret with Garvin JW (BVA 0/0)
Haydengold Kandy Kisses JW (0:1)
Zampanzar Copy and Paste (0/0)
Zampanzar Zero to Ten (0/0)
Zampanzar Mr. Magic (0/0)
Zampanzar Pop-Up (0/0)
SEU(U)CH-SE JV'14-WW'15 Zampanzar Baby Blue (0/0)
Zampanzar Red Hot and Blue (0/0)
Zampanzar Mrs. Jones (0/0)
Zampanzar Iggy Pop (BVA 0/0)
СIE,Rus,Blr,Est,Club,RKF,Grand Ch. Riera Just a Dream (FCI 0)
Ch Ukr/Rus/Mld, JunCh Ukr/Rus/Mld Riera Jet Engine (FCI 0)
Riera Jackpot
Ch Rus/Blr/Est/Club/2*RKF/Grand Ch., JunCh Rus/Club Riera Jean Jacques (FCI 0)
Eng Sh Ch, CIB, CIE, Ee/Fi/Lv/Ltu/Balt Ch, Ee/Lv JCh Linirgor Pied Piper At Meiepere V-WW'14, Balt W'15'17, Ee JW'13 (BVA 1/0)
Linirgor Paddington
Linirgor Practical Magic At Leacnasaide (0/0)
Linirgor Playtime
Linirgor Paige Turner Avec Miadahl (0/0)
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo (UA (0/0) (2004))
SE U(U)CH Floprym R Pea Nut (2004-04-13 ED ua (0))
UK Sh Ch Linirgor Braidwynn Je T'Aime JW (0/0)
Braidwynn Jaunty
CIB,CIE,Rus,Cz,Lt,Lv,Ukr,Blr,RKF,Club,Grand Ch Riera Buena Vista (0/0)
CIB,CIE,Rus,Club,RKF,Cz,Ukr,Lt,Fin,Grand Ch Riera Byron Bay (0/0)
Rus Ch, Rus J.Ch Riera Bora Bora
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (FCI 0/0)
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix (0/0)
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B (0/0)
Inter,Rus,Blr,Lt,Lv,Est,Baltic,RKF,Club Ch, GrCh Rus,Blr Strong Stael Regina Playmate (FCI 0/0)
IntCh, GrChRus, JChRus, NRC, ChRus, Mol, RKF, NRC Strong Stael Romario Premier Hit

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