
Golden Retriever

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815 Golden's Lovely Lyla

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

815 Golden's Lovely Lyla (AKC SS30205506)
Noble King Of Avalon (AKC SS07506302)
Carais Charlie (AKC SR68007404 (6-12))
Maia Of Houston Heights (AKC SR68007401)
Rose's White Dove (AKC SR68007405 (6-12))
Carais Bobo (AKC SR68007403)
No Cats Elit (AKC SR64458402)
No Cats Elis (AKC SR64458401)
White Dove Dainty (AKC SR34604807 (9-11))
White Dove Sydney (AKC SR34604801)
Bentley Alexander The Great (AKC SR34604805)
Golden Romance Lady Platinum (AKC SR92225406)
EUR CH, CH SAN MAR, BG SER, MNE, BALK Golden Romance Forbidden Fruit JCH MED, SER, GR, MNE, BG (AKC SR81121204)
JCH Golden Romance First Fantasy (AKC SR81121203)
Ser.Jr Golden Romance Femme Fatale (CKC 1130980)
Multi JR CH Golden Romance Feeling Fabulous CGCA, CGCU (AKC SR81121202 (9-13))
Golden Romance Fast N' Furious (AKC SR81121201 (10-14))
Golden Romance Frozen Fire
Golden Romance Forever Fighter
Miss Patsy Ginny Cline (AKC SR68805302)
Make My Day Curly Moe (AKC SR68805306)
Miss Patsy Gunny Cline
Pretty In Paisley (AKC SR68805301)
Brim's Golden Girl (AKC SR94601007 (3-19))
Int. CH. Timber Of The Shenandoah (AKC SR79441803 (2-15))
Carli Of The Shenandoah (AKC SR79441801 (10-15))
Dream Weaver Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR63763301 (10-11))
Dante of the Morning Valley
Dolce Vita Of The Morning Valley (Other 2771441 Netherlands)
Dream Catcher of the Morning Valley
Drewcilla Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR63763302)
Daybreak Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR63763303 (11-14))
Miss Liberty Goldenpaws (AKC SR65259001 (12-13))
Eberly's Isabella Ann (AKC SR75044701)
Eberly's Cooper Raye (AKC SR65901305)
Henry's Sir Rocky Mackenzie CD BN (AKC SR75044706)
Pat Joys English Legend In His Time (AKC SR65901306 (4-12))
Thousand Islands Wildflower (AKC SR65901303)
Sorensen's Sir Mackenzie Goldenheart (AKC SR59246306 (4-11))
Tice Dodds (AKC SR59246305)
Eckerts Titan's Queen Molly (AKC SR59246304)
Sorensen's Mistress Kayleigh Raye (AKC SR58122604 (4-11))
Shermancreek Beast Rachiel (AKC SR58122607 (11-10))
Have Yourself A Yummy Gumdrop! Of Ns (AKC SR58122608)
Dance By The Light Of The Moon Of Ns (AKC SR58122609 (3-11))
Shermancreek Jazelle Laylah (AKC SR58122606 (3-11))

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