Way of the Heart Alma Way of the Heart Alux Way of the Heart Aston Way of the Heart Argon Way of the Heart Alvin Way of the Heart Anton | C.I.E.,CW’23, HSCH Quest for Passion Famous Gold (0/0, OCD:Free) Quest Heart In Soul Famous Gold (0/0) INTCH.ROJCH.MKJCH ROCH. MDCH SRBCH TRCH Quick Sunlight Famous Gold (FCI 0) Queen of my Heart Famous Gold | Int Ch Jch IB Pt Esp Ivanhoe de Lar De Casanova (0/0) Esp.Pt.IB.Lux.Int.Ch.Gr.Pt.Gr.Esp. Back to the Future de Lar De Casanova (0/0) Suisse Ch. Tormenta de Lar De Casanova (0/0) Spa.Pt.IB.JCh.Lux.Esp.Pt.Ib.Ch. STARTDUST DE LAR DE CASANOVA (0/0) | MBISS Aust Ch Fantango Backstage Pass (0:0) Fantango Academy Award (0:0) Aust. Ch. Fantango Whata Girlwants (0/0) | VWW.20.EW'16.EJW'15.SPA.INT.PT.GBZ CH/ ES,PT JCH, PPW-15, PMW-15 Jako's Tribute To Lar De Casanova PAN (0/0) N UCH. Jakos Take My Breath Away (0/0) Jako's Tell Me A Story (0/0) Jako's Treat Me Kindly (FCI 0/0) INT.Ch, 3xBISS, JChRus, JChClub, ChRus, ChClub, ChRKF, GrandCh, ChBlr, GrandChBlr, ChAz, GrChAz Jako's Together Keep Love (0/0) Jako's Touch the Astral Sky |
| Kind of Magic Famous Gold (0/0) | |
| Union Jack Nereida Moira (FCI 0/0) Union Jack Nicholson Union Jack Neredia Moira (0/0) Union Jack Nanny McPhee | HSCH, HJCH Monsieur Pierre du Bois de la Rayere (1/1 (Mkoe), OCD:Free) C.I.B., C.I.E., MultiCh, GrandCh, JCh Madame Bovary du Bois de la Rayere Czech Club Winner 2018 & 2019, Alpensieger 2018, Sieger Baden-W?rttemberg 2018, Herbstsieger 2018 (FCI 0/0) Fr Ch. Milky Way du Bois de la Rayere (FCI 0/0) | C.I.B., C.I.E., MultiJCh, MultiCh, GrandCh, Multi Vet. Ch Iker du Bois de la Rayere Czech Club Winner 2016, Crufts Qualified for life (FCI 0/0) It Is Love du Bois de la Ray?re (2/2) Is just Golden du Bois de la Rayere (0) INDIA du Bois de la Rayere in Love Again du Bois de la Ray?re (0-0) | Int Ch, Lux Ch, UK Sh Ch. Gold Dust du Bois de la Rayere Club Winner'13, Puppy World Club Winner'12 Gwendolyn Glory Du Bois De La Rayere (0/0) Int Ch, Fr Ch Gold Jewel du Bois de la Rayere (0/0) |
| Union Jack Lokni (FCI 0/0) | |