
Golden Retriever

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Sunspark's Willow

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sunspark's Willow
Sunspark's Lily Belle
Sunspark's Maple Doughnut
Sunspark's Travelling Lad Conor-Here He Comes
Sunspark's Actually
Sunspark My Little StarLord
Sunspark's Sweet As Pie RN TKN
Sunspark's Perseus
Sunspark's Treasure Trove
Sunspark's Blueberry Pie
Sunspark's Apple Of My Pie RN TKN
SHR Lycinan's Wiseguy CD RN SH WCX VC CCA
AM CH Lycinan's Big Bang CDX JH WC VC OS (13.5 years)
Lycinan's Rotten To The Core
Lycinan's Claim To Gold (10 years)
Lycinan Eldorado's Aurora
SHR Lycinan PlezBtheOne 4 BeKens CDX RE TDX JH AX AXJ VCD2 WCX CCA VCX CGC RATI RATN (12.5 years)
Am./Can. CH. Summit's Truck'n Eldorado CD OS, Multi BVISS (9 years)
Ch. Summits Poetry In Motion UD TDX JH AX AXJ OD (13.5 years)
Summit's Indiana Jones
BIS BISS Ch Summits Carrera Dom Perignon SDHF OD (11 years)
CH Summits Diamond In The Ruff
CH Lycinan March Madness CDX CGC (13 years)
Lycinan Sandy
Lycinan's Mango Salsa CD JH
Lycinan Intrepid Ruff'n Ready Ranger CDX BN RE BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN CCA (4.5 years)
Lycinans Cozytale's Best Kept Secret BN RN CGC TDI
HRCH BISS Am.CH Beau Geste Being Ramiroz UD MH WCX** DDHF VCX OS (12.5 years)
AmCH/UKCGRCH Beau Geste Poztvly Gavin @ Wildrose NJP
Lycinan's Tantalize CDX JH WCX VC OD (9.5 years)
Sunfire's UR Mimi's Son Shine
Webshire's Surf Cast MH WCX
Webshire's First Mate RN
Webshire Peace of the Puzzle CDX BN RE CCA CGC
Surefire's Nautical Enforcer MH43 NA NAJ OF WCX CCA VC (8.5 years)
Surefire Avenger MH **
HRCH Surefire Turn Me Loose Zoom CD MH WCX ** OD CCA
HR USJ UAGI Thistledoon Surefire Nacho SH OA NAJ OF TKI WCX VC CCA
Webshire's Go Fish WC CCA
Webshire's Something To Shout About SH WC
SHR RACH2 Sunfire's It's All About Mimi UD RM5 RAE4 JH ACT1 CGCA TKA CCA WC VC
Am./Can. Ch. Comstock Intelligent Design TD WC VC OS (11 years)
Comstock's Wyndcliffe Sapphire CGC, CCA (11.5 years)
Comstock Honora's Anam Cara RE JH AX AXJ XF WC CCA VC (13.5 years)
Sunfire Mt Rainier Of The Cascades CGC
RACH [UOCH UUDX URO3] Sunfire's Solid as a Rock UDX2 OM3 BN RAE3 RM2 DS TKA CGC
RACH Sunfire Rainier Racer NW2 (11 years)
Sunfire's On The Rocks Please CDX GN BN
Sunfire Pinebrook's Fresh As A Daisy
Sunfire's Lunar Eclipse
Sunfire Kallie Of Lake Congamond
Sunfire's Kaylee O'Dec

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