K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Ch Aldebaran's Smooth Operator JH RN CA WC CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ch Aldebaran's Smooth Operator JH RN CA WC CGC
CH Blackthorn's Yellow Jacket O'Spiritwood WC (4.5 years)
Blackthorn's Honey Bee
AmCH Blackthorn Rocks U Too
AmCH Ghoststone's Louie Downtown CD WC
Am.Ch. Ghoststone's Simply Amazing
AM Ch Blackthorn's Chatty Cathy
Blackthorn's Just Breezin By
Blackthorn's Here For The Party
CH Blackthorn's Society Page
Trinity's Titus
Trinity's Judgement Day
Devonshire Front Paige At SC
Devonshires Time For Tia
Sher-Mi Eminent Joy of Aldebaran
Sher-Mi Winmore's Jagged Heart
CH Sher-Mi Drift'n Heart JH WC CGC
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH (11.5 years)
Am CH Tabatha's Dazzle WC
AmCH Tabatha's Delectable
CH Sher-Mi Heart In Motion CGC
AmCH Sher-Mi Stop 'Em Cold
Flyway's Gift of Gab
BISS AmCh, Int.Ch,NL/Lux.Ch. Raintree Slippery When Wet JH (15 years)
Raintree Ice Capade
Raintree's Wet N Wild
Flyway's Sweet Talker

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