
Golden Retriever

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Timberbash's The Wino And I Know

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Timberbash's The Wino And I Know (AKC SS35316101)
Kingsgold Love And Luck (AKC SS35316104)
Timberbash's Bown Eyed Girl (AKC SS35316103)
Timberbash's Defying Gravity (AKC SS35316102)
AM CH Crystal Glen Topsider CD BN RE OA (AKC SR91715202)
Crystal Glen Queen Anne's Revenge RN TD AX AXJ NF DS (AKC SR91715201)
Am. CH. Kinsale Clipper OS (AKC SF142503)
Hermosas Kinsale Gypsy (AKC SE506083)
Am. CH. Kinsale She's The Boss OD (AKC SE-552429)
Kinsale Napoleon Of Camelot (SE-912830)
Kinsale Over The Rainbow (SE-866869)
Kinsale Silver Cloud CD (SE-892232)
Kinsale Starlight Golden Boy (SE-900535)
Kinsale (SE580812) (AKC SE580812)
Kinsale Chelsy Spring Willow (SE-553410)
Kinsale Cirrus (SE-583077)
Am. CH. Shargleam Ferryman OS (AKC SC667501 (3-80))
Shargleam Floral Dance
Am. CH. Blue Skye's Chase The Clouds OD (AKC SD287584)
Blue Skye's Bequest (AKC SD561426)
Crystal Glen Sea Glass CD BN RE AX AXJ (AKC SR630318/01)
Am/Can CH Crystal Glen Barinton Banter CD OS (AKC SF941399 (4/91))
CH Crystal Glen Zia Exeter (AKC SF962691)
Am. CH Crystal Glen Cody CD (AKC SF-622184)
Crystal Glen Zia Bristol (AKC SF-817859)
Am. Ch. Crystal Glens Sea Sprite RN (AKC SR295737/02)
CH Crystal Glens Unchartered Waters CD,RN (AKC SR295737/01)
BISS GCH CH Timberbash's Corkscrew Gully (AKC SR90688903)
Timberbash's Painter Boy (AKC SR90688904)
Timberbash's Squaw Valley Mtn Meadow (AKC SR90688901)
Timberbash's Wild Irishman (AKC SR90688907)
Timberbash's Jabberwocky (AKC SR906688906)
Timberbash's Steamboat Outlaw (AKC SR90688905)
Timberbash's Wild Fire (AKC SR90655902)
Am CH Krishna-Crystal Glen Hell Of A Dream BN RA (AKC SR71072801)
GCH CH Krishna's Dream For The Hell Of It OD (AKC SR71072802)
AmGCH CH/Can CH Crystal Glens Hell Freezes Over RE OS SDHF (AKC SR25539103)
Desertheir's Cold Day In Hell (AKC SR54147204)
Krishna Ruffles Have Ridges CCA, OD (AKC SR38865502)
BVIS CH Golden Grahams Hot Summer Nights At Timberbash BVISS (AKC SR61496406)
BISS GCH CH Cross Creek's Timberbash Hot Shot BVISS (AKC SR27336506)
Nat & Int CH. UKC CH. Cross Creek Hot Dayam CD RE NA CCA (AKC SR27336505)
Cross Creek Hot ToMolly (AKC SR27336501)
Golden Grahams Royal Sasha (AKC SR42107401)

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