
Golden Retriever

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Saltydogs Navigates The Rocky Waters

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Saltydogs Navigates The Rocky Waters
SaltyDogs Guides Beacons Way
Saltydogs Ned Devine On The Farm (OFA GR-121987E24M-VPI)
Saltydogs Sadie Mae Of Bristol Mills (OFA GR-122012G24F-VPI)
Gabe Escort Saltydogs & Ciarfellas
Ciarfella's Lucy N Sky Saltydogs
AmGCH CanCH Scandal Lover De Zelkova CGC (BVA 3/5)
BIS, IND GCH, IND CH Especially Made de Zelkova
Eternal Dreamer de Zelkova
Chica Chic De Zelkova (BVA 6:4)
Spanish Lady de Zelkova
Crazy Lover de Zelkova (B/B)
Miss French De Zelkova
Tiffany Diamond '& Designer Gene's By Ciarfella'S (OFA GR-110940F24F-VPI)
Salty Dog's Smiling On Luna Skies
Hope from the Heavens Ciarfella's Stella
Saltydogs Jovial Celestial Flurry (OFA GR-114964G24F-VPI)
Saltydogs Oakley Views Astroids
Orion Dazzles Fella Saltydogs In The Meadowlark
SaltyDogs Celestial Mizzen (OFA GR-111492E61F-VPI)
Saltydogs Has Dibs On This Cutie
Saltydogs Hauling For Captain Bobby
Navilis Businessman (OFA GR-146815G56M-C-VPI)
Navilis Birmingham
Navilis Beautiful Meadow of Golden Shore Retrievers
Navilis Bumblebee
CIE, MultiCH, JCHUA, JCHLT, JCHMOL, CH BUL, CH MOL, CH UA, BBB Ramchaine Virtuoso GrandCH, SuperGrandCH (FCI B)
Ramchaine Vibrant
Ramchaine Extremely Fetching (FCI A/A)
Ramchaine Extremely Scrummy FDC BCAT RATN ATT (OFA GR-126151G26F-VPI)
Ramchaine Vision On (A/A lecture RCF)
Ramchaine Vanguard (B)
Ramchaine Exceedingly Swanky (FCI A)
Ramchaine Exceedingly Zestful
Navilis Ziplining Upcountry with Kavya CGC (OFA GR-128403F30F-VPI)
Navilis Zaraz i Nazavzhdy
Saltydogs Saves The Day With Robin (OFA GR-139114G24F-VPI)
Saltydogs Reeve'N From Coast 2 Coast (OFA GR-118715F24M-PI)
Salty Dog's Smiling On Luna Skies
Hope from the Heavens Ciarfella's Stella
Tiffany Diamond '& Designer Gene's By Ciarfella'S (OFA GR-110940F24F-VPI)

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