
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

HR Turbo Wadoyacall Cheez Datsnot Urs? SH WC (OFA GR-EL48392M38-VPI)
Turbo Glenhaven Don't Ask Why Again MH ** OD (OFA GR-EL48322F24-VPI)
Turbo's A True Friend Of The Crown (OFA GR-EL51891F36-VPI)
Turbo's Secret Explosion at Old Oak MH OA OAJ WC (OFA GR-EL48718F26-VPI)
Turbo Extreme's To Hot To Handle SH (OFA GR-EL48134F24-VPI)
Turbo's Little Abby JH WC
Turbo Glenhaven Hunter's Moon Rising *** (OFA GR-EL49240M28-VPI)
Turbo Glenhaven Shoot For The Moon CD JH AD CCA (OFA GR-EL46760F32-VPI)
FC AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH OS FDHF (OFA GR-EL1954M24-T)
Hunters Moon Bodacious Gold
Hunter's Moon Shan's Brandywine
Waterfowler's Golden Bailey
Dixie's Bit O'Hunter's Moon
MACH Glenhaven Htrs Mn Hat Trick MH MXG MJB2 WCX ** ADHF AAD JM EAC EJC OGC (OFA GR-EL1953-T)
AFC Glenhaven Devil's Advocate UDT MH WCX OS FDHF (OFA GR 24883 31MTNormal elbows)
Glenhaven Devil May Care UDT JH WCX
Glenhaven Eroica TD JH WCX
Honeywoods Glenhav'n Charmer CD JH WCX
Hunters Moon Tam O Shanter ** OD
Hunters Moon Lady Trapps LKS
Hunter's Moon Nightcap MH ** (OFA GR-EL1090F28)
Hunter's Moon Sonoma Scout
Hunters Moon Stolichnaya
Hunter's Moon Holly
Ronakers Hunter's Moon Kate II
Wraith's HNTRS MN Mac Dhuibh
Hunters Moon Arctic Phelpsie
Quailoaks Hunter's Moon Kassi CD SH WCX
Hunters Moon Slam Duncan
Gypsy Darwin Anderson
Hunter's Moon Trick 'R Treat JH (OFA GR-EL2049)
Hunter's Moon Rugby SH
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS
Hunter's Moon Kestrel SH
Hunters Moon Kkkkatie Foord MH ***
Hunter's Moon Mighty McTavit ***
Hunter's Moon Travel Charlie Am-Can ***
AFC Wraith's Hunter's Moon Kirby MH WCX
HRCH UH Topbrass Turbo Don't Ask Why CDX MH59 QA2 AD CCA WCX VCX HTHF OD (OFA GR-EL29460F26-VPI)
Topbrass Jeeper Peepers Hes A Keeper UDX OM3 BN
Topbrass Patriot at SEGDI
Topbrass After The Hurricane Here Comes The Sun SH NA NAJ
Topbrass Zany Zoey SH (OFA GR-EL31851F39-VPI)
Topbrass Final Proof RA MH WCX
Buckshot Beau's Bauer MH OS (OFA GR-EL7228M145-PI)
Buckshot's Chasing Thru Breeze
Chief Bucks Wanblee Tonka MH WCX
Topbrass This Boots For Runnin OD (OFA GR-EL21518F24-VPI)
MACH Real Gold Maxie SH NW3 WCX ADHF ***
Real Golds Jewel Of Blue Ridge JH (OFA GR-EL23020F43-VPI)
Real Gold Explosion's Cooper WC
Real Gold's Balder MH WCX *** (OFA GR-EL24215M39VPI)
Real Gold Black Night Nyx JH OD (OFA GR-EL19504F24-NOPI)
Real Gold's Push the Button (0:0)
Gohman's Yankee Cricket (OFA GR-EL21819F25-VPI)
Harmer's Kerry Piper, Real Gold Kellsea TD SAR-W (OFA GR-EL21952F26-VPI)
Real Gold With A Twist
HRCH StoneFlys Blue Quill MH CGC (OFA GR-EL22217M27-VPI)
Sugarwoods Lady in Red JH WCX CCA (OFA GR-EL21979F26-VPI)
Real Gold Storm (ED - 0)
Real Gold Road Scholar
Titus Andronicus of Laurelhurst ***
SHR Katian Cross It When You Come To It JH (OFA GR-EL65593F29-C-VPI)
Katian Add Fuel to the Fire (OFA GR-EL65560M29-C-VPI)
Katian's Red River Roux JH (OFA GR-EL67213F25-C-VPI)
HRCH Resolute Red King Of Texas (OFA GR-EL4895M24-VPI)
Resolute Dixieland Delight JH (OFA GR-EL49802F28-VPI)
Resolute Wasatch's Desert Rosie
Resolute Ready For Stickpond
Resolute Twisted Pines Kodiak Bear
GRHRCH(6) Runs Creek's Be Ready For Yeti HOF MH MNH OS HTHF *** (OFA GR-EL27444M26-VPI)
HRCH Runs Creek's Lady Abigail SH
HRCH Runs Creek's Ready To Rumble MH
Runs Creek's Faith Under Fire (OFA GR-EL27123F24-VPI)
GRHRCH Runs Creek Lexi Will Bee Ready MH (OFA GR-EL31785F50-VPI)
HRCH Wasatch's Resolute Cassie UH (OFA GR-EL34589F33-VPI)
HR Wasatch's True Blue MH (OFA GR-EL39353M40-VPI)
HRCH Wasatch's Lillian Grace MH (OFA GR-EL39308F26-VPI)
SHR Katian Yabba Dabba Doozie (OFA GR-EL48401F25-VPI)
Katian Colt
Katian Kitchel
Katian Ruby Bowen
Katian Ruari Hueni
Katian Bay
Katian Bubles Robinson
Katian Boe Pyne
Katian Chip Goetting
Katian Lucky Jack
Katian Appa Lawson
Katian's Rosie Cotton
Katian Princess Emma Lou
Katian Heidi Bhreagh
Katian Josie
Katian Copperhead Amelia Pond
GRHRCHx3 UH Thunderstruck Django Unchained MH60 MNR WCX ** HTHF (OFA GR-EL33567M24-VPI)
Thunderstruck Remy
Thunderstruck Rio Of Sedona
Thunderstruck Fenway
Thunderstruck Wrigley
Thunderstruck Cooper
Thunderstruck Piper
Thunderstruck's Whole Lotta Rosie MH WCX ** (OFA GR-EL36634F27-VPI)
Thunderstruck Some Like It Hot RN MH WC
Thunderstruck Tesla Teal Decoy
Thunderstruck Loki
Thunderstruck Fox River Banks JH (OFA GR-EL47957M45-VPI)
Thunderstruck Nutmeg Bland
Thunderstruck Give Me Liberty SH WC
Thunderstruck Johnny Cash
Thunderstruck Rock N' Roll Cowgirl's Pipe Dream
Thunderstruck Missouri West River (OFA GR-EL36649F27-PI)
Thunderstruck Cooper Of Oak Grove (OFA GR-EL35744M24-VPI)
Thunderstruck From the Ashes CD CGC RA SH WCX TKI (OFA GR-EL35747F24-VPI)
SHR Johnzz Roman Memories JH BN WC (OFA GR-EL39380F26-VPI)
Katian Blue Stachurski
Katian Maize Stachurski
Katian Henry Crawford
Katian Contreras
Katian Flash Townsend
Katian Luca Boudreaux
Katian Tinto Steves
Katian Lulu Pitzer
Katian Chatchu
Katian Sandy
Katian Ruby Fitzgerald
Katian Benny O'Dell
Katian Shadow Glanzman
Katian Jax Pahal
Katian Mac Walton
Katian Cash Bowers
Katian Sweet Magnolia Breeze
Katian's Life On A Lark
Katian Sam Otis
Katian Belle Bowen
Katian Empress Miko
Katian Johnzz Lilly Stein
Johnzz Forever In My Heart Mac Smallridge
Katian Johnzz Max Friedrich
SHR Johnzz She Seames To Be A Keeper CD RN JH (OFA GR-EL41632F34-VPI)

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