
Golden Retriever

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Glenriska Top of the Line

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Glenriska Top of the Line
Gilda's Per Vivere
Gibraltar Junior Champion, RoCh, Ro Grand Ch, Dracula Winner 2018, SEVCH, RLD N, RLD F Gildas Innamorata
Gildas Strani Amori
Gildas Amare Veramente
Gildas Amori Infiniti
Gildas Amori Infinity
C.I.B SE UCH FI UCH NO UCH LV CH Combine Steward Of The Line
Combine Soldier Of The Line
Combine Spot On Line
Combine Stay On Line
RLDN HtM1 Combine Surf On Line
Combine Still On Line
Combine Skyline
Combine Sing A Line
Combine Shoreline
IT CH Gildas Acteur (12 years)
Gildas Azzaro
Gildas Amouage
Gildas Arpege
Gildas Alliage
Gildas Amarige D'amour
Combine Online
Combine Oh la la
Combine Razzle Dazzle
Combine OO Seven
Tra Te E Il Mare Della Val D'Aveto
Bellissimo Cosi Della Val d'Aveto
It, Int, UK Sh.Ch. Primavera In Anticipo Della Val d'Aveto
Vivimi Della Val d'Aveto
Incancellabile della Val d?Aveto
Belgium Ch, Dutch Ch, Dutch JCH House Calls v.d. Beerse Hoeve
C.I.E. , IT/HR/SWI CH Don't Cry For Me Argentina
Blowin In The Wind (Della Val d'Aveto)
Glenriska Ten Downing
Combine Down Under
MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch. Goldew Southern Son
Aust Ch Goldew Mamma Mia
NORD UCh Stanroph Sweet Dreams
Stanroph Spun Gold
Stanroph Supertrooper
Stanroph Sweet Serenade (2013)
Stanroph SweetSurrender
Stanroph Such A Nice Guy
Stanroph Sweet Serenade
Stanroph Super Sonic
Glenriska Countress of Snowdon
Glenriska Viscount Nelson
Glenriska Countess Of Snowdon
Combine Quite A Prince
C.I.E NORD UCh LV Ch Combine Quite A Boy
Combine Quite A Fantasy
SEU(u)CH, FI UCH, LV CH Combine Quite A Miracle
Flexibelle du Bois de la Rayere
JCH & CH Caline Bambou Du Bois de La Rayere U
Candy Cream du Bois de la Rayere
CH FIN Carvin du Bois de la Rayere
C'Est Kerrien Du Bois De La Rayere
Multi Champion Camille du Bois de la Rayere

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