K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Keep Calm & Hug Amber of Mustang Valley

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Keep Calm & Hug Amber of Mustang Valley
Dark Red Rock von der Burg Scharfenstein
Habbo von der Burg Scharfenstein
Dean von der Burg Scharfenstein
Huntfield's Red Baron (ED-0/0)
TTF Huntfield's Redcoat Sam
Kellygreens Morgan of Huntfield
Kelleygreens Maka Ula Ilio
Kellygreens Tahoe Jasmine
East Coast Rumbling Red Reno
Haluna von der Holzm?hle
Dara von der Holzmühle (ED-0/0)
DJ von der Holzmühle
Little River Red Flash (ED-0/0)
Little River's Flame
Little River Redheaded Country Girl
Penara Red Hot Chili (ED-0/2)
Penara's Punkin Pie (OFA LR-154458G27F-PI)
La Bella Sable Blues
Lisa Sable Blues
Leon Sable Blues
Leroy Sable Blues
Ch. Keepsake Elton John (FCI 0)
Keepsake Ricky Ricardo (OFA LR-EL51142M24-VPI)
Keepsake Candle In The Wind
Nikita Red Rose Od Himalajskeho Cedru (FCI ED 00)
Nibbler Red Ranger od Himal?jsk?ho Cedru (ED-0/0)
Nalla Red Rose od Himalajskeho Cedru
Nairobi Red Rose od Himalajskeho Cedru
Nibbles Red Rose Od Himalajskeho cedru
Keepsake Johnny Appleseed (OFA Normal)
Neverest Unique Keepsake (OFA LR-EL43637F24-VPI)
Keepsake Apple Cider (OFA Normal)
Keepsake Johnny Appelseed
Keepsake Apple Of My Eye (OFA Normal)
Keepsake Judy's Red Baby (ED-0/0)
Keepsake Amanda Red Rose (0/0)

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