K9data.comLabrador Retriever

SOK Kaizen’s Rough-Cut Red Oak

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

SOK Kaizen’s Rough-Cut Red Oak
Morayglen Hondo (BVA 3/4)
FTW Morayglen Apache (BVA 2/2)
Morayglen Skye Of Brackenbird (BVA 3/3)
Morayglen Chisum Of Brackenbird (3/4)
Morayglen Katie Of Tudorcourt (3/4)
Morayglen River Of Marhystin (4/3)
Morayglen Shezza (3/3)
Morayglen Alana (3/4)
FTCh Jobeshill Ragnar of Flypatch (BVA 5/3)
Jobeshill Alrik (FCI A)
OFTW Jobeshill Valfrid of Avonford (BVA 5/3)
FTW Jobeshill Magnus (BVA 3/3)
Jobeshill Magnild at Hawkslow (BVA 3/6)
DK FTCH DK TM Jobeshill Olof (FCI A)
Jobeshill Gustav of Bedgebrook
FTCh Jobeshill Lotta of Stauntonvale (BVA 4/2)
NORD JCH FTCH Tasco Brimstone (FCI A (BVA 6/3))
Tasco Gold Swift (B)
FT Ch Tasco Saxon MHR
FTW Collaroybanks Willow (BVA 3/3)
Collaroybanks Mulberry
Collaroybanks Laurel
Collaroybanks Juniper
Collaroybanks Ash
Collaroybank Cedar (BVA 4/3)
Collaroybank Guelder Rose (BVA 5/5)
Collaroybank Oak (BVA 3/4)
Collaroybanks Hazel (BVA 2/2)
Collaroybanks Holly (BVA 3/2)
Morayglen Maggie of Oakshot (BVA 6:3)
Morayglen Magic
Morayglen Meg
FTW Morayglen Munro of Glenanne (BVA 3/7)
FTCh Copperbirch Paddy of Leadburn (BVA 3/3)
Copperbirch Ceili (4/7)
Copperbirch Celt (BVA 3/3)
Copperbirch Shamrock (BVA 4/2)
Copperbirch Guinness
Morayglen Ash (BVA 6/4)
Morayglen Beech
Morayglen Larch
Morayglen Spruce
Morayglen Cedar of Muirdrum (4/3)
Morayglen Elm of Westernskely (4/3)
Morayglen Fir (4/4)
Morayglen Oak (4/3)
Southern Oak Kennels Jett
Jett of Witt Ranch
Blackhawk Ridge's Deja Vu
FTCh Leadburn Mist (BVA 6/3)
FTAW Leadburn Molly of Lowtrey (BVA 3/7)
Leadburn Macrae (BVA 4:3)
FTW Leadburn Hebe (BVA 5/3)
Leadburn Macdonald Of Mosslana (4/6)
Leadburn Hamish (FCI E1/C2)
Leadburn Holly Of Flintnaphill (5/3)
Leadburn Hope
Leadburn Hermione (5/4)
FTW Leadburn Hazel (BVA 4/4)
Leadburn Honesty
FTW Leadburn Hector Of Breckonmuir (5/4)
Leadburn Albion Harry of Brackenfarg (BVA 3/4)
Leadburn Herman
Leadburn Matilda (BVA 7/6)
Leadburn Mabel (2/2)
Leadburn May Of Autumnwillow (2/2)
Leadburn Ozzy Of Ragmere (3/3)
FTAW Leadburn Maria (BVA 9/17)
FTCh Hillus Clyde (BVA 3/3)
Hillus Beauly (5/5)
Hillus Esk Of Delesk (9/9)
Hillus Tweed Of Fernshot (9/4)
Hillus Urn (4/5)
Hillus Tay (5/5)
FTW Leadburn Tango (BVA 5/3)
Leadburn Tasha
Leadburn Trudy (3/5)
Leadburn Tina of Edenville (3/2)
Leadburn Twigie of Venician (5/7)
Leadburn Tosh of Strabathie (3/2)
Leadburn Tyne
Leadburn Trouble of Corleone (5/4)
Astraglen Indigo
Astraglen Imran Of Delfryd (7/5)
Astraglen Inca
Astraglen Indi (4/3)
Astraglen India (3/5)
Astraglen Iran
Astraglen Ireland (7/5)
Astraglen Irvine
Astraglen Italia (3/2)
Astraglen Ivory (3/6)
FTCh Waterford Ganton (BVA 3/4)
Waterford Gairloch
Waterford Gem
Waterford Gusto
Waterford Ghillie of Wendearose (3/3)
FTCh Waterford Galahad of Tasco (BVA 3/6)
Waterford Gamble of Dipplelodge (6/7)
INT FTCh Astraglen Faith (BVA 6/5)
Astraglen Giggs (5/3)
Astraglen Patrice
Astraglen Flicker
Astraglen Fleur
Astraglen Cantona of Clearmeadow
Astraglen Fable (2/0)
Astraglen Farah
Astraglen Ronaldo (3:3)
Astraglen Fern of Shangarrilyn (4/5)

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