K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Killingworth's Brownell

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Killingworth's Brownell
Killingworth Bucknell
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
Killingworth's Alot O'Chocolot
Killingworth Laurwood Gee
Killingworth's Queen
GB ShCh/AmCH Lawnwood's Hot Chocolate
Lawnwood Fandango
Lawnwood's Chocolate Fudge
Lawnwoods Sugar Candy
GB Ch Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer
Merrybrook Black Chieftain
DKCH DKBRCH Merrybrook Black Duke
Lawnwoods Tapestry
Lawnwood Fiddle-de-Dee
Lawnwoods Fortune Teller
Stonewood Killingworth Katie
Am.Ch. Stonewood Killingworth Kyky
Am/Can CH Williston Brown-Smith WC
Arctic Wind Williston Penny
Baroke Stonewood Storm
Baroke Ms Galadriel of Loren
Rani's Agatha of Ess-Jay
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
Killingworth's Alot O'Chocolot
Killingworth Laurwood Gee
Killingworth's Queen
GB ShCh/AmCH Lawnwood's Hot Chocolate
Lawnwood Fandango
Lawnwood's Chocolate Fudge
Lawnwoods Sugar Candy
Stonewood Killingworth Katie
Am.Ch. Stonewood Killingworth Kyky
Ess-Jay's Rani By-Dew
Chucker's Coco Puff
Gingers Idjet By-Dew

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