
Golden Retriever

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Rigby x Ella

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rigby x Ella
Goldensglen Revolution At VanGoghlden CGC (OFA GR-EL50046M24-VPI)
Goldensglen Here Comes the Sun (BVA 0:0)
ABBIS SBIS Aust Ch Chaleur Hubba Bubba (0:0)
Aust Ch/NZ Ch Goldtreve Camrose Kraka (0:0)
IND.CH. Goldtreve Camrose Viola
Aust. Grand Ch. Goldtreve Camrose Kyva (0:0)
Aust Ch Goldtreve Camrose Tia (0.0)
Aust Champion Goldtreve Camrose Stellar
Aust. CH. Goldtreve Camrose Tango (0:0)
Aust CH Dewmist Silverling (0:0 (Australia))
Dewmist Silversmith (1)
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Silverwing (0/0)
Dewmist Silversong (Unknown 0:0)
Can CH Goldensglen Tudor Rose CCA (BVA 0:0)
Can.CH Goldensglen Duke Of Glenbern (BVA 0/0)
CanCH, Int'l/Nat'l JCH Camrose Quiet Time CCA (BVA 0:0)
Camrose Quotation at Lawpark (BVA 0)
Camrose Thorn Quick at Chrisheaven
AM CH CanGCH, U-CH Ventess Sophia Of Goldensglen (BVA 0:0)
Ventess Zeus
VanGoghlden's Ella Fitzgerald At Last (OFA GR-EL60319F28-P-VPI)
CanCH Int'l CH Iulius Caesar Goldset CGCA TKN (OFA GR-EL37550M24-VPI)
One Golden Miracle Goldset
RoJCh, HuJCh, SrbJCh, RoCH, HuCH Hard Rock For Goldset Of Des Fields De Ora Working Certificate (FCI ED 0/0 Free; OCD 0 Free MKOE)
Hot or Not des Fields de Ora (FCI 0/0)
Holly Winter Beauty Des Fields de Ora (0/0)
Hortense des Fields de Ora (00)
Hard Rock for Goldset des Fields de Ora
Jenny Black Tiger (ED 0/0)
Jada Black Tiger
Jolie Black Tiger
Jade Black Tiger
Vangoghlden's Blast From The Past Maggie Mae (OFA GR-EL47248F24-VPI)
VanGoghlden's Etta James Brings It Back
VanGoghlden's Play It Again
VanGoghlden's Twice In A Lifetime TKN (OFA GR-EL47966M26-VPI)
VanGoghlden's Reflection of Kyrie (BVA 0:0)
Am. CH, UKC Ch Dauninge Kyrie Highwayman
Kyrie Daybreak Lilla Minna
Kyrie Daybreak Duke Cambridge
Kyrie Daybreak Lep's Pride
Kyrie Daybreak Jebadiahs Bud
Kyrie Daybreak Bailey
Kyrie Daybreak Leo Da Quincy
Kyrie Dauninge Comin' Up Roses
Kyrie Daybreak Rising
Kyon Let It Go Wild (OFA GR-EL36300F25-PI)
Kyon's Beautiful Wildling (OFA GR-EL36519F26-VPI)

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