
Golden Retriever

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IntCH Miss Whinnie of River Heights

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

IntCH Miss Whinnie of River Heights (AKC SS35162510)
NatCH Miss Hayden of River Heights (AKC SS27557407)
IntJR, NatJR, HnrJR Miss Charlie of River Heights (AKC Ss35162511)
Miss Nala of River Heights (AKC SS40195510)
Int'l CH High Sierra's Jumping Jelly Bean CGCA TKI (AKC SS27557406)
IntCH Thor The Godhead (AKC SS08110501)
Ellie Mae Valencia (AKC SS00985008)
Queen Shiba Loves (AKC SS04380803)
Martin Luther Lover Boy (AKC SR76332109)
Cole's Jake II (AKC SR71084603 (5-13))
Jasmine the Arabin Princess (AKC SR58491401)
Bella Bell II (AKC SR62984305)
Mariah Love Houston (AKC SR91013702)
Kisatchie New Years Gold Confetti (AKC SR91013706)
Dreams Of Full House Ace D15 (AKC SR91013704 (5-17))
U. S. Marshall (AKC SR96649113)
Classic Goldens' Skye Makes The World Go Round (AKC SR96649101 (1-20))
Totoro Makes The World Go Round (AKC SR31567006 (12-09))
Golden Hollows Heir To The Throne (AKC SR31567001)
Frost Gldn Mdws Ambers Autumn Rose (AKC SR31567002)
GSR Selenas Classic Bahama Mama (AKC SR73150102 (4-16))
Nat'l Int'l UKC CH GoldenTicket's Fifth Generation CGC TDInc (AKC SR70117901)
IntCH Miss Gemma Of River Heights (AKC SS13220802)
IntCH Sir Emmit Of River Heights (AKC SS13220801)
Lou Metcalfe (AKC SR87880107)
Sir. Maximus Lamoreaux (AKC SR87880110)
Mokuleia Kolohe Of House Douglas
Rosie Cotton (AKC SR96055709)
Killinit In Killinit Out ''Kiko'' CGC (AKC SR87880106)
Issacc Heisman Metcalfe Of Camelot (AKC SR96055707 (2-19))
Holbrook's Lady Talula Of Camelot (AKC SR79064104)
Glacier Metcalfes Heisman of Camelot (AKC SR61308701 (11-13))
Metcalfes Lady Sarah Of Camelot (AKC SR62388202 (11-13))
Sir Beaudacious Of Willowbrook (AKC SR62388205 (8-11))
Nala The Lioness Of Utah (AKC SR90877306)
Sir Doug (AKC SR93507705 (1-20))
Sir Cooper Of Idaho (AKC SR84893203)
Winter Of Walter Family Goldens (AKC SR81491903 (8-15))
Turner's Molly (AKC SR81117301 (10-15))
Marsden's Sammy

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