
Golden Retriever

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Charlie and London

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Charlie and London
BISS GCH Magic City's I Believe In Unicorns CGC TKN RN (OFA GR-144105G27M-P-VPI)
Magic City?s Believe It Or Not
Magic City?s Can?t Believe My Ears
GCH CH Summit For The Love Of The Game OS (OFA GR-123227E24M-VPI)
CH Summits Fireline Hooked On The Game (OFA GR-123652F26M-VPI)
CH Summit's And Gollyg's Game Of Chance (OFA GR-124072G27F-VPI)
Summits Sex Games @ Hytree (OFA GR-123821F26F-VPI)
CH Summits Game Over, Thanks For Playing! (OFA GR-123050G24F-VPI)
CH Summits Game On! (OFA GR-123019E24M-PI)
CH Summits Game Of Thrones OD (OFA GR-123056G24F-PI)
BISS GCHB Delavega Southerngold True Grit CGC, SDHF, OS (OFA GR-113120G24M-VPI)
BIS BISS GCHP2 CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag OD SDHF (OFA GR-103223G27F-VPI)
Summits I'll Be Back (OFA GR-105874G25M-VPI)
Summits Back To The Grind
Summits To The Moon And Back
Summits Confetti Backfire
CH. Summits Shake Up A Hytree (OFA GR-104249G25F-VPI)
CH Summits Moving On Up (OFA GR-104020E24M-VPI)
Ch. Summit Venture's Hickory Dickory Dock (OFA GR-103167G27F-VPI)
CH Summits Backseat Betty (OFA GR-106502F28F-PI)
Multi.BIS BISS Asia.Int.Am.Kor GCH. Summits The Vanilla Sky SDHF (OFA GR-104104E27M-VPI)
GCH CH Summit's Confetti Thumbs Up OS (OFA GR-104112G25M-VPI)
Summit's Up A Creek At Lakesyde (OFA GR-104048G24M-VPI)
BIS BISS GCH CH Summits Sonny Side Up OS SDHF (OFA GR-104066G25M-VPI)
GCH CH Summit's Up Town Girl RN CGC OD (OFA GR-104557E27F-VPI)
GCH CH Summits Back By Popular Demand SDHF
Summits Confetti Back Off Beach (OFA GR-105593G24F-VPI)
AM GCH BISP Farmtribe Magic City's I Believe I Can Fly CGC, TKN (OFA GR-124374G24F-VPI)
BIS CN GCH CH INT CH Big Golden's Lead Story Sweetie
CN CH Big Golden's Lead Story Kerry
MBIS CN CH Big Golden's Kai Hanson
Mult.JBIS JCH Big Golden's Karon
Farmtribe Karuizawa Best King
GCH Farmtribe Magic City's Do You Believe in Magic TKN, CGC (OFA GR-124376G24M-VPI)
CN CH Big Golden's The Lead Story Miss Keith
MBIS BISS Cn GCH CH Am GCH CH Kor CH Farm Tribe's I-Fire Ninja (OFA GR-116018G41M-VPI)
Kor.Ch Farm Tribe's I Double Dagger
Kor.Ch Farm tribe's Ice Ninja
Farm Tribe's I-Lighting Ninja
Lead Story Girl On Fire
Lead Story Light My Fire
Lead Story Great Balls Of Fire
Lead Story Eyes On Fire
Lead Story Charriots Of Fire
Lead Story Set Fire To The Rain
Lead Story Fire In My Heart
Lead Story Ring Of Fire
Lead Story Fireworks
Lead Story Play With Fire
Lead Story Eyes of Fire
GCH Hazelnut's Fortress of the Moon (OFA GR-133088F24F-VPI)
Hazelnut's It's A Wonder Filled World
Am. GCHS Can. CH BOSS Boca Golds Space Cowboy of Nocatee SDHF (OFA GR-110822G24M-VPI)
Boca Gold's Hawaiian Sky At Cloud9 BISS (OFA GR-114329G26F-PI)
Boca Gold's Red Solo Cup
Boca Gold's Dora The Explorer WC
Boca Gold's Ride Sally Ride
MBISS GCHB Delavega Orange I Fabulous BISS (OFA GR-105256G24M-VPI)
Delavega Orange Blossom (OFA GR-106122G27F-VPI)
BISS.Am GCH/Br GCH. Delavega Orange Crush In Wonderland OS (OFA GR-105223E24M-VPI)
Am. CH. Boca Gold's Sky's The Limit (OFA GR-96909G24F-VPI)
CH Boca Gold Shooting Star JH WC (OFA GR-96931G24F-PI)
GCH My Buddy's Violets are Blue DS, NAJ, NA (OFA GR-114369G26F-VPI)
My Buddy's Playing The Game CGC
BISS CH My Buddy's Guns 'N Roses (OFA GR-122267G58M-VPI)
CH My Buddy's Playing To Win CD RA JH CGC WC (OFA GR-115789G26F-VPI)
My Buddy's Plays All Day CGC (OFA GR-115145F24F-VPI)
MBIS MBISS GCH CH SHR My Buddy's Boppity-Bop Blue Moon CD JH DJ RA WC VC SDHF OS CGC (OFA GR-97293G31M-PI)
My Buddy's Orange U Glad
My Buddy's Blue 'N Gold CD RN (OFA GR-95932F24F-VPI)
CH. My Buddy's Coco Cabana Banana OD (OFA GR-95946G24F-VPI)
KaraGold's What Golds Round Comes Round BISS (OFA GR-99041E38F-VPI)
BOSS Ch. My Buddy's Pretty In Pink RN, WC, VC, OD (OFA GR-97313G31F-PI)
My Buddy's Ain't E-Z Bein' Green CD JH RE WC CGC (OFA GR-96194G25M-VPI)
My Buddy's Unsinkable Molly Brown
CH My Buddy's When You Belize RN, WC, OD, BISS, BOSS (OFA GR-108005E26F-VPI)
SHR My Buddy's Belize, Glamour Me! RN JH WC CGC (OFA GR-109767F34F-VPI)
GCH CH My Buddy's Un-Belize-Able (OFA GR-107465F24F-VPI)
BIS GCHG My Buddy's I Belize in the Magic SDHF

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