
Golden Retriever

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WM Farms The Clansman

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

WM Farms The Clansman
Athollridge Gael
Athollridge Wild Flower At Roanlodge
Athollridge Caledonia
Kessgold magic
Kessgold Shetland of Staverton (9.5 years)
Kessgold Aran
Froglane Marksman of Dunburgh
Froglane Ben
Froglane Bertie
Froglane Tully
Kessgold Sorrel
Kessgold Chicory
Kessgold Tamarisk
Kessgold Thistle
Kessgold Ladys Smock
Fallowfen Avon at Athollridge
Fallowfen Water Of Leith
Fallowfen Faithful Isla
Fallowfen Faithful Tweed
Soinneanta Capercaillie Of Fallowfen
Soinneanta Cariad Of Ridersfort
Soinneanta Harvest Moon
Soinneanta Amber Equinox
Soinneanta Poozy Nancy
Soinneanta Salmonds Leap
Soinneanta Thandeka
Ardyle Mazurka
Ardyle Csardas Of Eskylane
Castle Au's Joyeux Noel JH
Castle Au's Alpine Christmas SAR
Castle Au's Blitzen
Castle Au's Gingerbread Boy
Castle Au's Saint Nicholas Cooper
Castle Au's The Griffey Who Stole Christmas (2 years)
Castle Au's There's Magic In Believing
Castle Au's Yuletide Magic
Castle Au's Smoke Gets In Your Eyes JH
Castle Au's Nice Work If You Can Get It
Castle Au's Swinging On A Star
Castle Au's Ain'T Misbehavin'
Castle Au's Little Drummer Boy TKI
Castle Au's Sunrise Serenade at the Ryman MH WCX
Fern Hill Sunrise at the Ryman MH WCX OS (12.5 years)
Fern Hill Crosley (10 years)
Fern Hill Gnarly Barley
Fern Hill Rock the Boat (10.5 years)
Fern Hill Cayanne Killian (12.5 years)
Fern Hill High Crest Heidi
Fernhill Mona's Midsummer Night's Dream (12.5 years)
Fernhill Duke of Wellinton (13 years)
Fernhill Roundlake Merlin (9 years)
Fern Hill Rally Round the Flag (9 years)
Fern Hill Cabela Rose (9.5 years)
GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH CCA OS (13 years)
Fern Hill Pennyroyal CDX RE JH CGC TDI NAP (13 years)
Young's Rusty Speaker of Fernhill MH (12 years)
Fern Hill's Big Red Trooper (7 years)
Fernhill's Wild Ryde CDX RA JH (12 years)
Bruce XX (10 years)
Johnny Cash of Fernhill
Reilly Aceofspies Of Fernhill (13.5 years)
Fern Hill Hunter MH (8.5 years)
Sedona Sunrise of Fern Hill SH, WC, CGC (14.5 years)
Fernhill's Sizzlin' Red Hot MX MXJ CCA (14 years)
Fernhill Abby Rose (13.5 years)
Fernhill's Hard Charging Chief (9 years)
Princess Elizabeth of Fernhill (9.5 years)
Rain Beaux of Fern Hill (8.5 years)
Fernhill Gandalf's Beau JH (14.5 years)
Fern Hill Jenna Lenhard (11.5 years)
Fernhill Athena Joy (11 years)
Castle Au's Lady Penelope Tuppence Of Trouble BN RI JH WC CCA
Castle Au's Lady Rose Enchanteresse
Castle Au's Primrose Eveready AX AXJ NFP
MACH12 Castle Au's Sweet Jasmine MXS4 PAD MJG4 MJP PJS OF T2B9 ADHF
Castle Au's Over the Edge
Castle Au's Cider Royale
Castle Au's Glendronoch Royale SAR-Avalanche
Castle Au's Cuvee Des Enchanteleurs
MACH4 Emberain TLC's Livin' On The Edge CD BN RE JH MXG2 MJC2 MXF T2B2 WC ADHF VC CCA OS (10 years)
Emberain Buzzer Beater NAJ (14 years)
Emberain Austin City Limits
Emberain Ginger Gale's Cotton Candy ELT2 NW3-Elite
MACH2 Emberain Clear Cut MXC MJB2 XF T2B
Storm Of Lake Tulloch Skies
Emberain Jack's Courage Under Fire
Lady Madeleine Of St. Phillips Haven SAR CGC TDI BN CD RE CCA (11 years)
Pushin' for Pinkberry
Heidi At Ocho Acres

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